Chapter 16: Awkward Hugs

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"Sensei...?" Genos looked up surprised that there she was standing from the bathroom. She just got changed and her hair wrapped in a towel.

She turned around before giving him finger guns. "Yo" humming out the word, Genos stops doing what he was doing and rushes over towards her. He stops himself from hugging her. She tilts her head, closing her eyes some. To his surprise, she pats his shoulder giving a teasing look. "You did well not telling anyone where I was" she sighs out.

"Mas-Sensei! Police, Heroes, and faculty have been looking for you. It's been almost a full week since you left." Genos frowns checking her over trying to get some signs of where she went. "Will you tell me why?"

She shakes her head, "No, I'll tell you when it's important." She hums, Genos gives out a big sigh before nodding his head. "Alright sensei"

"Don't look so worried, I'll go talk to whoever when I can" She hums out, Genos nodding along. He knew Y/n was an open book but at the same time, she held secrets that no one knows about. He would like to know what's going on in her head sometimes. He also notices her behavior, when they first met she was much more apathetic when talking and now she's gotten to the point of showing emotions more and more and expressing herself. He hoped no one would take that away from her.

"-oh! Genos.." Y/n looked away, her eyes darkening at the thought she remembered. The room felt colder. The unexplained change in her emotions Genos didn't deny it was out of character for her. But he waited until she finish with what she wanted to say. "Do you like I'm not human?" She looks up at Geno's, Him giving a look he was thinking. She sighs, 'if he is thinking this hard, then probably means he thinks I'm not human' she thought, frowning ever so slightly. "You don't have to " she was cut off.

"Sensei, you have power that no one can explain, even you don't understand your power. But you are human. Like the rest of us." Genos reaches out pulling her into his embrace, trying to comfort her in a way he saw on TV. His way of comforting was awkward. His body was tense and was hugging her awkwardly. Shoving her head in his hard colder chest. Nonetheless, she stood there, tears threatening to fall. She didn't hug him back. She was scared to hug him in such of emotional state. She wrapped her arms around herself and nudge her head closer to Genos, as she cried more. Her towel around her head was long forgotten on the floor.

Genos didn't say anything until he only hears her sniffles. He pats her back. She lightly pulls away. Rubbing her now red and tired eyes. She didn't have much energy to smile. "Thanks..." she croaked out. "I - Stain said I was a mo...nster... I guess I believed him." Y/n stops for a moment before, "I know my class thinks I'm a fake. I don't want to go back to UA," she badly explained it.

Genos was angry by the fact people thought you were fake, and that this villain made her so upset. "Murder is only illegal if you get caught"


"I mean, louder is only loud if you get brought?" Genos questionably says confused at his sentences and looks she was confused as well. She rolls her eyes. "I'm gonna pretend you said nothing" Genos nods his head sighing in relief.


The next day, Genos told her that she didn't have to go to school. She shakes her head saying she should still go. With that, they both head out. Genos looked towards her, trying to soak in everything in detail. Like she would leave again but this time he wouldn't ever see her. Another blonde and two familiar people rushed up. Mirio bear hugs Y/n.

"Sunshine! Where were you?! Genos didn't tell us where you went or if you were okay!" Mirio hugs her tightly, she blinked her eyes. "You were worried about me?"

"Sweetie! All three of us were worried about you!" Nejire says between tears, she joined the hug pulling Tamaki with her. "I- h-hugs" Tamaki blushes wildly, his nervousness getting the better of him. But he was worried for his shorter friend. Having Genos be rude and not say a thing to them about Y/n, he wanted to know the reason. She pulled away from the three.

"Sorry. Genos was doing what I asked him too" she hums out feeling awkward she made these three people worried for her.

"Sunshine! Your eyes..." Mirio frowns before trying to go for another hug but Genos stops him. "Refrain from hugging my Sensei" Genos grumbles out making the other three people watch from the sidelines.

"Hey, when did Genos get so protective over you?" Nejire whispers over to Y/n who blinked some before shrugging. "Are you two going out?"

"W-wha-at? Y-you s-shouldn't ask s-someone that..." Tamaki says, he didn't want to hear an answer.

"I mean we're going in now? All five of us are outside right now" She says confused about what those two were going on about, Tamaki makes a slight laughing noise, with Nejire falling over on Tamaki laughing.

"OMG! That's not- you Cinnamon bun!" She tries to go hug Y/n only to be grabbed by Genos furrowing his eyes brows giving the same expression he did to Mirio. Y/n watches their interaction with a dumb look on her face.

"Y/n?" She turns around seeing Shinsou looking at her with a shocked face. "Hey, sorry I wasn't at school for about a week.." She tried to explain. Shinsou relaxes some now knowing she wasn't ignoring him.

"Where did you go? Why weren't you at the sports festival?" Shinsou asked more. "I can't tell you, and I got in a pickle with a few people on the streets that day" she explains vaguely. Shinsou nodded his head. He'll get more information when she is ready.

The 6 of them walked into the building where all of them separates. Each waving goodbye and Mirio and Nejire getting stopped before they could hug Y/n more by Genos.

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