Chapter 40: What's Your Choice?

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They all left the mall, deciding it was best to talk somewhere no one could hear or spy on them

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They all left the mall, deciding it was best to talk somewhere no one could hear or spy on them. Mirio was lost for words, while he watched Eri cling to Y/N. Words couldn't express how relieved he was that Eri was safe. He was upset that Y/N was never going to tell him she had her, and that Eri was safe in her hands. Only once they have gotten to her apartment did Mirio decide to speak up about the situation.

"But— Overhaul he is still—,"

"Dead." Y/N finishes his sentence which causes Mirio to freeze from the single word. Her hands covered Eri's ears from hearing such harsh words for protection like a parental figure.

Mirio stared at her blank expression. An uncomfortable feeling swirled inside his gut, 'How was she so comfortable saying that?' Mirio frowns.

He glances at the other two males, Genos who never said anything, and the mystery man who was glaring at him. Mirio's frown deepens, Sir Nighteye didn't have to worry anymore. He didn't have to worry about Eri, or did he? He was uncomfortable letting Eri stay with the three people. Though he did trust Y/N to not harm others, at least not to harm Eri....

But on the other hand, she was so comfortable with saying she killed someone. It was eerie, to say the least. There was an intolerable squeezing pressure in his stomach that makes him want to vomit. Even though Overhaul was a villain, she should have done it the legal way.

"Sun— Y/N. How can you say that so easily?" Mirio glowered while fidgeting with his hands, he wasn't trying to scold her but he had to say something as no one else was doing so. He eyed the white-haired man and Genos who made him very disappointed for not disciplining her. He knew from talking with Y/N that she's a good person, if she could have guidance then maybe—

"Would you believe me when I say that I held back?" Y/N says out loud to no one in particular. Her eyes going towards her hands. She still wasn't sure what she wanted to do anymore; to be a hero or not. When no one was around, she will fall back into the voided pit inside her heart.

She did try hard to hold back her punches and everything she has done. She could never relax, what if she gripped too hard? What if she killed someone innocent? Would holding their hand break it? Will she crush them to death from her hug? What if she accidentally slaps someone? What if she killed them? Why is everyone so breakable?

It was tiresome, and having this overwhelming strength was both boring and frustrating.

Everyone wished to be strong like All Might, but even he is weak.

Everyone who knew All For One feared his power, but he is also weak.

People idolize heroes for their strength and bravery, but they were pathetic cowards.

People say that you should never meet your heroes.


They were right.

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