Chapter 15: Missing Student

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Mr. Aizawa glares at no other than Genos. "Kid, tell me where is Y/n"

Genos doesn't say a thing, he sips his tea. Looking over at Mr. Aizawa. Who looked more furious. "You know I can't tell you that, Aizawa" Genos held no respect towards his master teacher. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone where you were. This was a quest no other his master in-trusted him with.

"We can't contact her. She's been missing since the Sports Festival. Tensei Iida identified her at the scene of the crime. And the nurses of the hospital. They said she was injured. Please if you care about her, give us some information about her." Mr. Aizawa growls out, exhausted from the stress he held. His class wasn't answered why she wasn't there, the only one who knew about this situation was none other than Iida. Since he was connected to this incident.


Going to the sports festival, the news of Iida brother in critical condition. He left as soon he heard that. With him rushing to the hospital in Hosu, the police explain about an injured woman rushed into the hospital with his injured older brother. They got her name. And she left soon after saying she needed to finish something. His brother explained that she helped him, even rushed to get him to the hospital. That day Iida felt guilt spread in his entire being. If she didn't save his brother, he wouldn't be here. His brother still has his life but he no longer could hero work. Iida made his mind up he would apologize for everything he did and said to her when saw her. But the next 3 days were filled with dread and more guilt. She was nowhere to be found. Did hero killer: stain do something to her? Was she dead? There wasn't a sighting of her in the entire city. He felt guilt eating away at him. His friends were concerned about him, he felt he didn't deserve it. The more he looked around the more upset he was, how can no one care about her? Did she have any friends..? The more he thought about Y/n more guilt spread. Standing up he rushes to the bathroom. He starts vomiting up his breakfast. He felt sick that no one was concerned about Y/n being absent. She was always alone. He realizes. She was always alone. Never talked to her classmates who were rude to her. He felt he didn't deserve to be a hero in training. He promises he would do better.


Back to Genos, he glares at Mr. Aizawa. "I would appreciate it if you left." Mr. Aizawa glares back before sighing. He walks towards the door before looking back at the older teen. "If you know anything, you know where to call." With that the door slams behind Mr. Aizawa.

Genos sighs, setting his cup down. Furrowing his brows together. "Why did you have to go? Master... Please tell me the reason when you come back" speaking his thoughts out loud. His fingers brushed through his ash hair. He wasn't concerned if she was hurt, she's too powerful to be injured. He just hoped she wasn't being taken advantage of, cause he knew how oblivious she was to others and how giving she was when she wasn't being cheap. "Please don't have a stranger you are taking care of..." he sighs again.


Sneezing some, she frowns "who's talking about me?" She mutters out, before yawning going back to her slumber.


It's been a few days and Y/n stretches her arms. Walking into the living room she sees Garou having a rag on his face.

"It's been a few days, and I know you aren't going to pass out now. You seem healthy enough." She pauses trying to get her thoughts together. "I'm gonna head back to Musutafu." she sighs, feeling guilty for her friend. "You can stay or leave. Whatever you want." She sets a piece of paper on him. "My number if you ever need anything"

Garou moves the cloth off his eyes, "alright, just so you know. If I see you playing hero. I'm going to beat the shit out of you. I'm on the villain team."

She gives a goofy smile, "okay, good luck! Hero hunter" she says in a teasing manner. Garou rolls his eyes at her.

"I'm trying to become a monster, why aren't you scared of me?" He frustratedly groans out. He would take a glance towards her, giving an indifferent look.

"So? Why should I be scared?" She looks down at him before patting his head like a dog. "You're like a cute dog"

"Cute- dog!?!" Garou sits up glaring at her. "I don't look like a dog! I'm a villain! And I women love me!" He puffs his cheeks out, his pride hurt.

Y/n blinks a little, before rolling her eyes. "You bark like a dog too."

"You-" Garou pulls her closer to him, shoving his arm around her neck as he gives her head a knuckle sandwich. She didn't say much, she felt slightly guilty about her comment about him being a dog.

A few things she notices about Garou, one: he hates and loathes heroes, two: He thinks highly of himself, third: his own strong sense of honor and justice. But she also knew this guy wouldn't stay around long to become friends. So it was best to leave and possibly fight him in the future through the thought did hurt to think about. He seems nice enough. She was wearing new clothing that she found in the closet. They were too big for her but too tight for him.

"I'm serious about needing to go back-" thought filled her head like 'I don't think you would ever want to talk again after this.' And 'I'm just repaying my debt' also a 'don't get attached to people Y/n' her face contorting differently, sighing out thinking one last thing. 'I'll leave tomorrow problems to tomorrow me.' Thinking of that phrase that she'll most likely say more and more later on.

"Alright, I can't keep you here. Can I? Kid" He looked away out of the window, clearly he was thinking of something but she wasn't sure what. With a small smile. She gets up, leaving. She didn't say goodbye. Hoping if their path comes across once more, it would be a pleasant one. She didn't see the expressions he held as she left the cabin.

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