Upper Moon Two

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Spring is glee. It's like a slowly overflowing bottle of bubbling joy. It's vibrancy colors onto the land, banishing the frosty claws of winter. The blessed dew is bespangled on the frosty ground. Like wizard dust, it burns the snow into oblivion. Buds blossom, trees thaw and grass grows.

Spring weather has long arrived.

The fields were glade green. The sound of chirping birds filled the air. A pageant of smells floated in the spring air and a horde of carnations, tulips, and dandelions littered the meadow. Rays of the bright sun spilled from the sky. Clouds shaped like tufty pillows glided slowly across the sky, airy and weightless. The scene was refreshing in its own way and rather pastoral. The meadow smelled exuberant and earthly.

That was how long (Y/n) has been stuck in this universe. She had stumbled upon a village that resembled pictures of Japan's history from textbooks. The houses were made of wood and everything was a timely old fashioned. When she asked an old woman for the year, she received a weird look for her odd clothing and blindfolded eyes, but nevertheless she got an answer. Taisho Era.

It was absolutely nothing like (Y/n)'s home where everything was modernized and more into the future of 2018 and didn't have demons but curses instead roaming around.

That was another thing the female gojo realized. The demons weren't seen during daybreak, but were very active at night, which made her figure out they'd probably burn in the sun, "Are they vampires 2.0?" (Y/n) sniggered quietly.

The female gojo had certainly adapted to this strange era fairly quickly, though she kept her uniform on so she'll be reminded of home. (Y/n) didn't often stay in one place for too long, hence the traveling, but she killed demons left and right and saved the citizens.

She was quite talked about.

A crow was perched onto the finger of Oyakata in his home, relaying to him what it had seen. "I see, she must be strong then. Keep an eye on her. I wish to meet her soon." His gentle voice ordered as the crow flew away.

Oyakata looked up, a smile on his face, "Something tells me this girl is extraordinary."

(Y/n) yawned cutely into her palm, trotting down the dirt path as she entered another village after slaying a demon. "This is so boring! Curses are more interesting than demons!" She whined. At least with curses, some of them have weird abilities and actually put up a fight, whereas demons only aim to eat her. Sigh.

The female gojo looked around her surroundings. This village seems to be a bit more lavish than the previous ones she visited. Apparently there was a massive shrine located in the forest behind the village.

(Y/n) beamed, sparkles surrounding her as she went stall to stall, observing the food the vendors made. Using the money the villager gave her for saving them or a family member, she bought some tempuras and munched on them happily.

She watched silently as kids giggled, running around. Adults conversing or the elderly helping out. She sighed in happiness, patting her belly from the delicious food, "Yum!!"

She walked pass the villagers, sensing a presence watching her. Smirking, she pretended not to notice them, carrying on.

Humming to herself, she decided to confront the being who was following her, leading them into the forest. "Is there a particular reason why you're following me, demon?"

A manly giggle was heard.

Turning around, (Y/n) came face to face with a young man/demon. He didn't look grotesque like the ones she encountered before. He was oddly cute.

He was a tall young man with a moderately toned and muscular body, with a pale complexion. His hair was notable blonde/silver that parted in different ways. His eyes were unique and seemed to be glowing with an array of colors; similar to a rainbow.

Her Eyes (Demon Slayer Various x Fem!Gojo Reader) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now