Chapter 26

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Song: Bad decisions!

Chapter 26 

Author POV: Here is a short story hope you learn something from it, there once was a hunter he was hunting during winter when he came across a little bird without feathers it was shivering so he saw a pile of animals dropping(shit)that was still warm so he put the bird in the droppings and went on his way the bird was so happy that it started singing which alerted a fox nearby. The fox came and dug the bird out and ate it.
Moral: Not everyone that puts you in deep shit is your enemy and not everyone that pulls you out is your friend.


Yang POV 

Jimin and I teleported to the waterfront and then dive in at first the water was so freaking cold but my body adjust as my tail extended, I turned to watch Jimin tail he was one handsome merman and he was all mine, I could not help myself from grabbing him and kissing him, he hugged me close and kissed me back then we let go of each other but still held hands as we began to swim to the mer-kingdom, it has been so long since I went into the water because I was scared one of the shifters might see me when I transformed but mermaids despite how long we adapt and swim very fast. 

I am always fascinated with the underwater creatures they are so beautiful and colorful my eyes sparkled as I let go of Jimin hands and swam behind a very colorful fish I giggled, letting out some bubbles I turn to see Jimin laughing at me because when the fish made a dash into a hole and disappeared my pout was so big.

"Come on baby" says Jimin in my head signaling for me to hold his hand back again. As we swam in silence and I looked around I remembered how Hoseok and Yoongi made love to me in the shower that sent a shiver down my spine, now is not the time to think of this I thought but still smile as I shake my head and watch ahead.

When we were close to the kingdom I gasped as I took it. The sight of it was breathtaking. My mouth open and closed just like the fish that I was chasing.

"Oh my god" I whispered.

"Like it?" 

"This is where you live? Words cannot explain how I am feeling right now!" I said with excitement.

"I have some idea," says Jimin, rubbing the back of his head with a huge smirk on his face. Guess I let my emotions through the link again.

Surprisingly the others did not say a word leaving me in my bubble as I took it the sight in front of me, as we got closer it was even more beautiful with all the colours, it is an underwater city there was this huge bubble that it was in making the merpeople take human form to walk about but you can see that many was outside the bubble swimming about with their colorful tails as we reached the gateway to go inside we we went through a door that then sucked the water out and dried us off then Jimin opened a compartment with some shorts and handed one to me our tails had disappeared when we dried off, I hurried to put the shorts on because I do not want anyone other than my mates to see my ho-ha.

As if reading my mind Jimin smirked while saying...

"No one can see inside her once we got it, the glass turns dark making whoever is outside not to see" 

"That makes me feel so much better thank you love" I said, giving him a quick kiss on his lips before he pressed a button and the door opened.

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