Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

Yang POV 

I was looking at the principal strangely. 

He was looking at me from head to toe, like he is searching for something but I am well covered so he cannot see anything. 

Then I remembered Jessi's words, she wanted me to show them my tattoos but I am not taking off my clothes in front of an old man.

"Can you get a female in here I want to show you something, preferably someone that will keep their mouth shut after I finish showing you" I asked.

"Sure my wife is the secretary, she is here" he said and his eyes cloud over, telling me that he is a wolf and he is mind linking his mate, his scent was also covered. Could I trust him?

But then Jessi would not send me here if it was not safe right?

I could defend my self so fuck it.

One easy teleport and I was out of here. Without looking back. I could have teleported in the first place when I came here but I love the feeling of the wind in my wings and how it hits my face and looking down at the scenery is amazing.

Someone knocked on the door before entering, it was a short beautiful woman with a friendly smile.

"This young lady has something to show us but needs a female here love" said the principal looking at his mates affectionately. I always admire the love between mates. I hope that guy Jin is loving and caring, and would not be taking shit from anyone, mate or not.

"Ready?" I asked them both nodded so I turned around and used my powers to take away the jacket and shirt I had on leaving my top half naked. I used a spell to cover my breast so that it would not be visible to the eyes of any supernatural unless I allowed it.

I heard a gasp from the female while the principal said.

"How is this even possible? They have been dead for years" 

"Dead? Who?" I asked turning around only to have the principal turn his back to me so fast, he is respectable. I like that.

"You can turn around I am not exposed" I said and watched his mate as she nodded at me.

"You have unimaginable powers, you must be related to them" said the principal with two pink dots on his cheeks still not looking me in the eye. 

"You should see the rest principal, it isn't on my back alone" I said, it was a bit uncomfortable but it needed to be done.

"Oh my god" he whispered when he finally looked up my eyes was probably blood red now because of how I was feeling, my chest was covered with markings also, this is the first time someone else is seeing me like this, only Jessi ever saw my body, mine was always hidden from my pack, I was never allowed to be with them because the could see my markings Jessi always warned.

"Who are you really?" Asked the principal looking at my red eyes, I clothed myself again and then replied.

"My guardian has always keep me in the dark when it concerns my identity, she only ever tell me I am special and trained me, I could changed into any being also I could communicate with most of them, I could feel the others but I could also do magic, another thing she give me this book" I summoned the book from my backpack and showed them their eyes widen, when will the stop with that look.

"That is the king and queen book" whispered the principal mate.

"Whatever happens in this room must not be known to anyone for now, and I could tell that you are hiding your original scent, keep it that way until all of this is sorted out" said the principal.

"Who was your guardian?" Asked the principal.

"It is, Jessi, she is still my guardian and mother and will always be" I said knowing that my eyes changed to blue because my blood boils when people say anything about Jessi.

"Lady Jessi Lee?" Asked the principal.

"Yes" I answered looking at their faces turn from bewilderment to astonishment.

"She was the Queen's right hand maid, she was supposed to be dead along with the princess" said the principal mate, I looked at her.

"I can assure you that she is very much alive" I said looking at them.

"She needs to come here, to help us clear things up," said the principal.

"Easy" I said...

I clicked my finger and Jessi was standing in front of me.

"Yan-" she started.

"It's really you, you are alive, that could only mean" and they all were looking at me, I started thinking back on the conversation and my eyes widened...

"Fuck no!" I whispered...

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