Fun Facts/ Bio [1.5K Votes]

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Full Name: Y/n Forger (Last Name/Briar/Sonic)

Race: Human

Gender; Male

Age: 15

Looks: Purple eyes, short h/c hair (Honestly whatever readers want)

Assassin mode: Y/n's purple eyes are narrow, with his eyes were filled with black swirls. A shadow covers his face as his hands crack.

Height: 5'6 (once again, what the readers want.)

Family: Unnamed Mother (Deceased)
Unnamed Father (Deceased)
Loid Forger (Foster Father)
Yor Forger (Foster Mother)
Anya Forger (Foster Sister)
___ Forger (Pet)

Personality: Y/n is relatively kind, book-smart, sarcastic, and brave. He has moments of being "a badass" usually when saving Anya or the others with his futuristic gear. He still hides his gear to stop from getting in danger, but uses them sneakily. With his genius intellect, he used equations in his head, rapidly changing and moving, so he can pull of what would be extreme feats. He appears to try and ignore people's problems in order for to keep his cover, but a sense of Justice shines bright and makes him try to stop any sort of injustice. At times, he seems to be fearless, but this is not the case at all.

Though he's not without flaws, it seems that Y/n is very dangerous when bored as he created a real life Gurren Lagann in the future because he was bored. He invented a cure for cancer and a Ray to give people cancer. One flaw of Y/n is that he gets caught up in the moment and tends to push that to the extreme. In point when he simply wanted to hit the bullies with the eraser, but kept escalating the payback until humiliating them and getting in trouble for it. Similarly when he learned how to play dodgeball, when his anger grew to the point where he forgot to hold back, he ended up knocking a kid out. Another weakness is his one track mindset, when he puts his mind to it, he's not gonna stop no matter what. For example, when he tried to leave Yor's apartment despite being told not to.

Goal: To get back to the future (former)
To live life with the family he never had (Currently)

* Yor makes Y/n train with her in combat
* Y/n has to do many push ups, sit ups, lifting weights, jump rope, throwing darts, jogs in the morning for stamina
* Y/n is revealed to have weighted clothes
* Yor has Y/n sit under a waterfall for defense and become flexible
* Y/n has trouble with mediation as being a genius, he's always thinking more than the normal citizen
*If Yor's strength is at 100, Loid would be at a 70 and need equipment in order to be around the same. For Y/n, he'd be around a 40, as he is still learning the elements of assassination. Like Loid, he'd need his gadgets to catch up more, as well as his smarts since his body can only take so much of Yor's training.

Background: Y/n L/n is from the future 2XXX. His parents died in a war against the upper class and lower class, but died because of bomb radiation. Y/n used his common smarts to re-engineering the tanks and machines in order to keep his own town safe by himself, but was eventually captured and taken to the "White Room". Here he would be experimented on, tortured, and forced to work on projects for the government to help move mankind forward after the war was over. The White Room was filled with talented individuals, who all saw Y/n as their brother. They all had the last name Sonic (Science Of Nanotechnology In Communities), with the goal of making Nanotechnology like the movies.

Before the events of the story, he made a "friend" named James as a kid. James used Y/n in order to survive the White Room, after being thrown in my his parents on accident. Because James was young, he was ignorant and helped Y/n, but it would get Y/n in trouble. However James did the most selfless thing in his life, he broke all the kids out of the White Room and helped them get new lives. With Y/n, he finally got to see the world he created, but it wasn't worth it in his eyes. He had no one. And so he worked on a Time Machine, in order to go back and time and save his family from the war, or pull them out of that time and bring them forward.

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