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"What's a pretty lil lady doing out her at night, by herself?" I hear behind me followed by whistling, I turn around and look the 3 men up and down. "I'll bash every single one of your fucking skulls in, don't test me." I reply while eyeing down the guy in front of them all.

"Tough one, heh. I like you already lil Missy, boys get her." I smile at the 2 men charging at me, I grasp the knife on my belt and plunge it into the first guys chest, making him fall to the ground while grasping the wounded area tightly. "No! You're gonna get it now you whore!" I laugh in response, I run up to the blonde man and punch him right in the nose, followed by a satisfying crack.

I go to punch him again but I'm held in a headlock by the other man, the blonde man I just punched, punches me in the face. 'Fuck' I think to myself as I use my leg to kick the guy behind me in the crotch, I spit the blood out of my mouth that had formed from the punch I had gotten, it busted my lip a bit. The blonde man lunges at me with his fists raised, I grab his dominant arm making him stop all his motion. I bring my knife bellow his head and plunge it through his head, I pull the knife out and turn around. I look down at the brown haired man and grinned. "Please lady! I have a family to feed, I was only in it for the money!" I bend down at the knees to his level, I use the tip of my knife to make him look up at me. I chuckle a bit before I bring the knife all the way up, killing him instantly. I stand up and wipe the blood on my clothes not caring about my physical appearance anymore.

I put the knife back onto my belt as I spot a ring on the man I had just killed, 'jackpot' I think to myself as I bend back down to take the ring, I grab it off his finger and put it onto my finger with the rest of my rings. Next stop: Jinx.

Caitlyn's pov

I eye jinx down as she unties vi, vi runs to me but before she could do anything jinx stops her. "Nuh uh, I think this sister stealer should stay tied up until well.. I don't know. The remaining time you're staying here?" Jinx places a hand onto vi's shoulder as she laughs, "Powder please, she's not stealing-" "she is! They both are! Can't you see that??" I move my arms around to try to undo the rope or at least loosen it, the bickering between vi and her sister continue as I hear the door open.

Y/ns pov

I open the door to see them, all three of them. Caitlyn is tied up but strangely vi is free. "There you are! We were waiting for you!" I narrow my eyes as I stare daggers into her pink eyes. "Y/n! Run! She's fucking crazy!" Cait calls out to me as jinx turns to look at her, I grasp the handle of my knife tightly. Jinx sighs at me, "Not everything needs to be resolved with violence." I step out of the door frame, "Let them go powder." I say while finally pulling my knife out. "No! Y/n no, she's my sister!" I glance at vi with sorrow in my eyes, I love powder but if she doesn't let them go we're going to have a serious issue.

"Powder. let them go."


"I don't want to hurt you, powder."

"Me neither sis."

Vi adjusts her position in front of jinx in a protective way. "You two don't need to do this."

"She's making it seem like I need to Violet." I mouth the word 'sorry' to vi, her eyes widen. I grab one of my throwing knives and toss it to caitlyn so she could free herself, Powder pushes vi to the side and charges at me. I focused my eyes on the pink trail coming towards me, when I got most of her movement down I moved out of her way. She turns back to me and i clench my fist.

I land a punch to her stomach and she lets out an airy cough, she grabs my leg and pulls. Dragging me down, she grabs one of the many knifes off my belt and tries to stab me. I move out of the way, I also grab one of my knifes and stab her knee.

Vi's pov

I'm finally pulled out of my frozen state to the yell from 'Powder?!'. My eyes widen at the two of them fighting. Y/n takes advantage of powders wounded state and drags her to the ground. She gets on top of powder and sends her repeated punches to her face.

I charge the h/c haired girl and push her off powder. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She looks at me with an expression that I have never seen on her before, she seemed like a wild wolf, ready to attack anything.

I hear shuffling from behind me by powder, y/n stands up and pushes me out of the way. "Y/n!"

"Stop please! She's my- she's our sister!" I grab her bloodied wrist to try and stop her.

"She's too gone vi!" I hear from behind me, by caitlyn.

Back to y/n

I stared at powder dead in the eyes, ignoring everything happening behind me. With the hand that isn't being held by vi, I slowly pull my knife out. Powder looks at me wide eyed, I couldn't help but feel guilty. "Vi will hate you" I hear from my right side, nobody was there. I shrugged it off and pulled Vi's hand off mine. I quickly walk back to powder, I get on my knees and raise the blade above my head.

I feel the familiar hand on my wrist once again, this time more firm. "I won't let you. You'll have to kill me too." I continued my silent treatment and tried to fight against Vi's grip. "Let me go violet."

"No. You're not hurting her."

Powder finally took her chance to get up and quickly kneed me in my face, making me drop my knife and vi stop holding me. I landed on my back and I tried to get up but I'm kept down by powder putting her boot on my chest. I looked at her and smirked, I began to laugh and I quickly grabbed her ankle and pulled hard. I stand up and wipe the blood off my nose.

Caitlyn's pov

"Please caitlyn, help me! I can't stop them alone." I wanted to protest as jinx already had it coming for her, but Vi's facial expression made me pause. Tears welted her eyes, threatening to spill. I sigh and make my way to the two fighting women, I grab y/n by her arms from behind and Vi stands next to jinx getting up. "Let me go cait-" "No y/n. You need to calm down." I cut her off while managing a warning, yet stern tone. She tries to pull her arms away but I maintain my ground.

"Powder please just stop, both of you." Vi says as she helps stand her sister up, holding her hands to make sure she doesn't go anywhere.

Y/n spat blood at jinx's boots, she sends her a glare in response, making y/n laugh. 'Jeez' I think to myself seeing y/n's state.

"If we let you two go, will you both stop fighting and maybe we can try to work this out?" Vi asks jinx and y/n.


"HAH! Fuck no."

I shove y/n slightly for being an asshole "What the fuck?" She says under her breath. "What the fuck is right, I never knew you could act so cruel." I say to her. "Oh trust me, I can be worse. I just pity her." Y/n says in response to my statement.

"Well, we'll just hold y/n down i suppose." Y/n glares at vi as she slowly lets go of jinx.

"Why don't we stop at the last drop or something? We can talk there, this place isn't exactly a place I'd want to talk in." Me and jinx nods as we begin to walk to the door, still keeping our eyes on jinx.

1438 words

vi x female reader x caitlyn Where stories live. Discover now