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hi guys so like every1 has been asking for more so like here it is 😘 I'm not gonna edit this bc I don't wanna + I'm in class so ya here idk if this is good or na

"Shut the fuck up! Fucking hell!! My head is throbbing right now and I don't need to be irritated any further!" I screamed out to the two idiots fighting. "No, you don't get a say in this! You've been lying behind my-" "I thought I told you what you 'wanted to hear'" I say in a british accent cutting caitlyn off. "Where even are we?" I ask the other two I mean.. maybe I'm not as special as them and they don't have something blocking their vision? Actually no. Im obviously cooler than them, what am I thinking? "How are we supposed to know dumbass? We can't see shit!" Violet says finally speaking up, silencing me almost immediately.

"Why does she get to make you shut up thats not-" "Because im just better than you, it's obvious." The pink head hums in satisfaction as if she just won the argument with caitlyn. "Nobody is better than me, end of discussion." I exclaim as I let out a laugh.

As im finally being put at ease I feel hands touch all over me and taking me to god knows where. "I'll skin you alive!! Let go of me, I'll find you when I get this thing off my head!" I could hear uneasy breathing coming from whoever was grabbing me, am I that intimidating? No, they're just a bitch. "Let go of them!!" I heard caitlyn yell out as her voice became a whisper.

"I'm thirsty." I say outloud assuming vi was in the room with me, and I guess I assumed right cause I heard a groan come from the other woman. The bags that were on our heads quickly lifted up as im met by an anonymous person around my height wearing some kind of mask. "You shy or just ugly?" Vi asks the person standing before us, receiving a snicker from me as I fidget with my restraints.

The slim person standing in front of us proceeds to take their mask off, slowly. I couldn't make out their face because they were still in the darker part of the room. They walk forward, the light illuminating their facial features. "You both look good for dead girls." I finally got my restraints off when I realize who we'd just ran into. Ekko??

Everything around me sounded muffled as I felt my eyes water, it really is him. I drop my chains as I walk forward and embrace him in a hug, Vi does the same. "How long have you two had those off?" Seriously, Is that all he cared about? "How long have you been whining?" Violet asks the younger boy, hugging him tighter as he finally gives in and hugs us back.

"Where's vi? Where's y/n! It's me you want! I brought them here!"

"My hero" Vi says to the distraught woman I snicker at caitlyn, her facial expressions were funny. "But I thought you- I thought they were hurting you!- both of you!" She exclaimed to the giggle filled me. "Vi and y/n tells me I can trust you, you get a pass back topside that's it."

==time skip==

"I told you to leave this alone kiramman!" Marcus yells at the blue head, gun pointing at our heads. A firelight lands on his gun, I couldn't help but feel uneasy, something was wrong. The firelight clicked as I held caitlyn in my arms jumping to the side. "Ah fuck! Are you okay??" I was in so much pain as I could feel metal shards all over my body. "I'm fine y/n, thanks." I get off of her and try to stand up, violet comes running towards us making sure we're okay. I pick caitlyn up bridal style as we walk away from the bridge. "Am I not heavy? How are you-" "No" I say cutting her off, I was trying to focus on walking as to maybe cancel out the horrible pains. I set caitlyn down and I sit next to her, I ran my hand around my back and sure enough there was big chunks of metal sticking out, they don't feel that deep which I'm thankful for but "Fuck.." I say to myself quietly.

"It's gone." Caitlyn says breaking the silence. "What's gone?" I look at her and the container that used to contain the weird blue stone thingy. "It was all for nothing??" I asked, angry at myself that I let us lose the one thing that caused all of this. I stand up and tell the others to follow me, I need to get my wounds patched up.

"Why do you have so many knives in the walls?" Violet asks me as she stares at the many holes and knifes in the white walls. As I make my way to my bathroom my door bursts open followed by Velma holding a shotgun. "Is that mine?" I ask the older woman, ignoring everything else happening. "Oh y/n!" She walks to me and hugs me, I wince at the sudden contact. "Whos this?" She lets go of me as she stares at violet who is still examining the knifes. "Is this your girlfriend?" That brought all of our attention to Velma. "No- she's just a.. friend." I say with a bit of a disappointing  feeling. wait why do I feel disappointed? "I see, but please next time tell me that you're going out. You had me worried sick! Last time you went out you came back with a weird metal arm!" She says while pointing to sevika's arm hanging on the wall. She sighs as she walks out, closing the door behind her.

I finally finished my walk to the bathroom, grabbing bandages and alcohol. "Uh- I don't mean to bother but could you two help me with something?" I ask the two sitting on my bed. I walk back to them, handing them the alcohol and bandages. "You're injured?!" The pink haired girl asks me as I proceed to take my vest and tie off, leaving me in just a bra. "Well, I didnt think it really mattered at the time. I was more concerned about you two." I say while sitting down, I could tell that it was bad by caitlyn's facial expression. "Seriously why didn't you tell us? This looks really bad y/n!" The blue headed woman says as she begins to examine the area. "It can't be that bad, if it was bad I wouldn't be sitting here right now." I reply back, I've been through worse. A couple of metal shards in me is nothing.

"Wow you look a bit.. different." Vi speaks up as she brings her hand to my arm, carefully examining it. I blush a bit as this isnt how vi normally acts. "Uh vi, I asked if you could help tend my wounds, not attemp to fuck me.." I look at the girl who's face seems a bit pink. "Let's just get you patched up." Caitlyn chimes in to finally get us started. This is gonna hurt.

1178 words

vi x female reader x caitlyn Where stories live. Discover now