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I slightly open my right eye to see vi still at the papers, who knew she'd like paperwork? Definitely not me. I lift my head up and with my sleeve I wipe the saliva that was dripping from my mouth. "Where's caitlyn?" I ask, letting a yawn fall from my lips. "I'm not sure. She just went outside, She said she'd be back in less than an hour." I lean back on my chair and let a long blink take over me, that was the first time in a few weeks since I could sleep properly.

"It's dark out, what could she possibly need at this hour?" I ask while opening my eyes once again.

"I'm not sure, but hey it gives me more of this paper shit." She replies with a slight smile on her lips. Something wasn't right.. maybe I'm just worried, she's alright. I prop my arm up on the desk and rest my head in it, other hand tapping the dark wood. "Don't worry y/n, she's alright. Nothing will happen to her, she can handle her own." I steal a glance at vi while I furrow my eyebrows at her, 'she can handle her own' yeah right, what's up with her??

I pick my pen back up and grab a blank sheet of paper, I set the paper in front of me and bring the ink to the page. Drawing scribbles, anything to ease my nerves.

My grip on the pen becomes tighter then suddenly I hear a faint crack. I look at the pen that now has a crack on it, 'well shit.' I think as I set the pen back down. "I'm gonna find her." I say, breaking the silence. I recieve a nod in response.

I stand up and stretch, groaning at the nice feeling. I walk to the door and twist the knob, I step through then I close the door behind me.


I stand outside on the step. 'I'll find her in a second.' I think as I grab the pack of cigarettes in my deep pocket, I also fish out a lighter. I place the cigarette in my mouth and I strike the lighter, making a flame appear. I bring it to the end of the cigarette and inhale, I hold the smoke in for a second before letting it out. I put the pack and lighter back in my pocket, I proceed down the stairs and make my way to the gate. I push it open and step out, I inhale again but I let the smoke escape through my nose this time.

-a couple minutes later-

I drop the cigarette on the ground and stomp out the flame with my shoe, I then realized the sound of walking behind me. Getting closer. When I hear the person standing right behind me, I grab my knife and bring it to their neck. "Woah-" the woman says while bringing her hands up. "Caitlyn? What are you doing out here?" I ask, lowering the blade and putting it back on my belt. "I just went out for a break, paperwork does get boring." I chuckle a bit, it does indeed. "Shall we get back? Vi is waiting" I nod and we walk back to her house.


We walk in on a sleeping violet, she looked so peaceful. "Uh y/n? Could you maybe.. move her onto my bed?" Caitlyn says quietly to not wake vi up. I walk up to the sleeping girl and pick her up with ease, I then walk her to the bed and set her down. "How did she not wake up?" I quietly ask myself but caitlyn unexpectedly answers. "You have a gentle hold" I look back at her and raise a brow, "Yeah, I could fall asleep in your arms if I wanted to." I feel a slight blush creep up on my face but I shrug it off.

"Alright well, you two can rest. I've got to do the rest of-" "No. I may not like doing it but when I first saw you, you seemed like you haven't slept in days. I'll do it cait." I quickly say cutting her off. "No y/n it's-" I walk up to her and place my index finger over her lips, immediately making her stop talking. I smile in victory, I proceed to walk to the desk but I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind. "Huh?" I mumble out as I feel a gentle kiss on my jawline. My breathing hitched at the sudden contact. "Thank you y/n" She whispers into my ear before letting go. I clear my throat and let out a slight 'you're welcome'.

I sit on the chair and begin filling out forms and all types of shit. 'How can someone do this?? I already hate this.' I think as I mentally curse at myself. I wanted caitlyn to get some rest so I'll have do deal with it.

A few hours later

'Finally! Last fucking paper.' I sigh in relief as I fill out the paper. I set the page on one of the many stacks crowding caitlyn's desk, I crack my neck as it had became a bit stiff from remaining in the same position for a long time. I drop my pen and close my eyes for a few seconds, I'm tired but at the same time I'm not. I open them and let a yawn fall off my lips, I stand up and walk to the door. I turn the knob and step outside the room, I walk down the steps and proceeded to the kitchen. I'm sure caitlyn won't mind me grabbing a snack or two..

I look in the cabinets, I stumble across the wrong drawer. I see many bottles of champagne and expensive wine, I stare at the bottles for a second and sigh. I grab a glass cup off of the rack and pour myself a glass, I down it like a shot of sweet whiskey. I sigh at the taste, I begin to get pulled into my thoughts. Velma. I feel tears welting into my e/c eyes, I pick the bottle of red wine back up and pour myself another glass, Probably drinking it faster than last time.

'Fuck it.' I think to myself as I close the cabinet and set the cup in the sink, knowing my current state I'll finish this bottle. I bring the green bottle to my lips and take a few sips, slight tears falling off my pale cheeks. 'I should've stayed with them that day, I should have. It's all my fault. If I stayed with them I could've stopped them from being taken.' I think as I bring the bottle back up to my lips, after I take a big gulp I fully break into tears. "You ruin everything." I say speaking to myself, I allow myself to fall to the floor. I prop my back up against the counter, I bring the bottle of wine back up to my lips this time finishing it.

I bring my knees up to my chest and lay my head on them, bringing my arms around my legs. "It's all your fault. It's all your fault." I say repeating myself over and over again. "Fuck, y/n. I fuck everything up." I cry, intoxicated by the strong alcohol. I stand up, accidentally dropping the bottle. "Shit" I say while wiping my nose with my sleeve. I look down at the many shards of glass on the ground, hoping I didn't wake anyone I walked around and looked for a broom. 'Fuck this place is big, how am I supposed to clean this mess if I can't find a fucking broom' I think to myself as a few more salty tears slid down my face.

I feel a small smile creep up on my face as im met by a broom propped up on the wall, I walk over to it and pick it up. I proceed back to the kitchen when im met by familiar faces. "Oh shit caitlyn I'm sorry, I accidentally dropped it. I found a broom-" "Why are your eyes so puffy? Y/n were you crying?" Vi says cutting me off as she looks at me with worried eyes. "Uh no, maybe um that's not important right now." I say slightly slurring my words. I wipe my face with my sleeve to remove any evidence of me crying but I don't think that's really helpful now. "How did you even manage to find the liquor cabinet out of the many other ones here?" Caitlyn asks as I step closer to the broken glass, sweeping it into a pile. "I uhm- heh, I don't know. Alcohol just loves me and it finds me itself." I say while chuckling a bit. "Uh since you're up um where's the- your dustpan?" I ask as I finish sweeping the shards into a neat pile. "It's alright I'll go get it." Cait says as I lean the broom against the counter.

"You've gotta stop drinking." Vi says after caitlyn left.

"Ya think?" I reply back sarcastically, leaning against the counter beside the broom.

1545 words

vi x female reader x caitlyn Where stories live. Discover now