final straw

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"I don't understand how you could even drink, you used to say 'it's gross' now look at you" vi says to me as set my head on the counter to "rest my eyes". I send a slight 'mhm' to her then dozed off.

Vi's pov

"Seriously?" I chuckle as I go to find caitlyn. 'Why do topsiders have the biggest houses ever? I can't even navigate through this damn place without walking into rooms I've already been in.' I think to myself as I walk up one of the stairs. "Cupcake?" I call out. 'Weird, there's nobody here. Surely she'd hear me?' I sigh as I feel myself grow more and more anxious. I enter a darker room, "Caitlynnn?" I say dragging my words as to not sound worried. "Close enough." I hear from behind me, I turn around and im met by familiar pink eyes. "Pow-" before I could finish, her eyes disappear and im met by an all too familiar pain in the back of my head. "Sorry sis, had to do it to ya again"

Y/n's pov

'Ugar fuck- my head hurts.' I mentally curse myself as I rub my eyes. 'Did these fuckers leave me in the kitchen? Rude. I wouldve carried them but whatever I see how it is.' I scoff as I fix my tie. 'How the fuck did I not fall while sleeping? I can sleep standing up?' I smile a bit as I had found that funny. I fix my posture and head up to caitlyns room. I open the door to see- "what the fuck?!" I say outloud. The room was littered with markers and familiar drawings. A big "Jinx was here" written on the wall made my eyes widen as I feel my blood boil. 'Is she taunting me by leaving me alone?!!" I clench my fists almost hard enough to make my pamls bleed.

'How am I supposed to find them??' I think to myself.. Sevika.


I bust the doors of the last drop down and I look for the booth that bastard is usually in. She looked back at me wide eyed, I lunged at her and picked her up by the throat. "Where the fuck are they?!! What the hell did you do??" I ask while tightening my grip on her throat, she started coughing and I gave in. I dropped her, she rubbed her throat with her hand for a second before my fist connected with her face, causing her to fall to her knees. I grabbed her chin with my hand, Turing her head to look up at me. "Where are they?" I ask passive aggressively. "Like I'd tell-" I let go of her face and punched her again, harder than last time. I grab the collar of her shirt and push her against the dirty wall, I then repeat myself. "Where are they?"

"I don't know! I don't know y/n." She responds.

"Give me one good reason on why I shouldn't fucking kill you. Right here, right now." I ask while reaching for one of my more bigger knives on my belt, I grip the handle and pull it off.

"I swear, I don't known shit!"

I grinned as I brought the blade to the womans chest, I applied slight pressure causing the blade to slowly dig into her skin. I heard the other people in the bar running out as they'd seen me this way before.

"You're crazy! I don't- fuck! Fine!!" I smile and pull the knife back out, it pleased me whenever I got my way. "See that wasn't so hard was it??" I put on a wicked smile as I step back to allow the woman to concentrate on her pain for a moment. "Silco's factory. They're in silco's factory doing god knows what! Fuck she's gonna kill me."

"Ah don't worry sevika, she won't be killing you. I'll make sure of it!" I bite my tongue and look the woman up and down, fear plastered all over her face. "I told you what you wanted, so please! Plea-"


I toss the black bag into the dumpster behind the bar, with my sleeve I wipe the red liquid off of my face. I hum in satisfaction and make my way to Jinx.

Shorter chapter sorry!!
But don't worry, next chapter will be longer.

751 words

vi x female reader x caitlyn Where stories live. Discover now