Chapter 89: Six Hundred Million, Drawing The Last Straw

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That night, Uchiha Tonan led the North City Guard members to wipe out all the big and small underground organizations in the entire North City area. To get his hands on a sizeable sum of money in the shortest possible time, he could only use these means.

In his rough estimate, he had harvested total assets of nearly 300 million Ryo in this trip.

The next morning, the street outside the North City Guard Residence was filled with members of several underground organizations. Tonan's shadow clone once again gave a passionate speech on the duties of the North City Guard and the need to end the scum of society in the interest of the people.

He harshly criticized these prisoners' crimes and even added fuel to fire in some aspects. Not to mention the serious crimes, even the smaller ones were exaggerated in great detail. As a result, the onlooking people were indignant and their sense of justice soared.

Regardless of whether these people would have been executed according to the Land of Fire's rules or not, each of them was slaughtered by Tonan's people. Not that he had an option in this matter. After all, he had taken their wealth secretly, and if they were judged according to the rules, then these properties would be confiscated. His only choice was to kill every last one of them.

Many civilians witnessed this act of righteousness. In recent years, they were more or less oppressed and bullied by these underground organizations. Now that they were finally brought to justice, the masses applauded it wholeheartedly. For a moment, Tonan's reputation spread far and wide in the Fire Capital. There was no one who had not heard of his feats. He gained the acknowledgment of many people as well.

With the last haul, Tonan's total assets now reached roughly 600 million Ryo. His short-term objective of coming to the Fire Capital was achieved.

Just like this, some time had elapsed. These days, every morning, Abe Seimei-Tonan went to the study hall on time to teach the two highnesses. And he would find various opportunities and reasons to whip Naraku out of his teacherly love.

The Daimyo obeyed Tonan's advice. He kept Nahara with him at all times and treated him warmly, letting him play around as he pleased.

After some time, this differential treatment fell into the eyes of the people who harbored their own agendas. Soon, the entire Daimyo Residence and even some influential officials were secretly discussing the situation.

"His Majesty has been very kind to the Second Highness recently... why do I feel like he wants to pass the throne to the Second Highness?"

"No, let's not talk about the long tradition of passing the throne to the eldest son, just taking character and temper into consideration, the First Highness is far ahead of the Second Highness."

"But didn't you notice a point? Although the First Highness has a steady character, he looks a bit dull. Although the Second Highness's character is different, he is more assertive. He dares to break convention and he is a lot smarter in some aspects."

"Speaking of this, we haven't seen the First Highness for a long time."

"He seems to be having big problems in his studies."

"What leads you to think that?"

Naraku had always devoted himself to studying. In everyone's opinion, he was a rare outstanding genius. There was no possible scenario in which he would face problems in education or any form of learning.

"I heard from the Daimyo Residence's attendants that the First Highness is whipped by Seimei-dono almost every day because of his studying problems."

"How can Seimei-dono treat the First Highness like that? And why is the Second Highness fine?"

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