Chapter 28: Turning Himself In, Anbu Interrogation

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The next day, dawn lined the horizon. Uchiha Tonan struggled to get up. The intense genjutsu he used the day before consumed much of his chakra. A few hours of sleep were not enough to replenish it. His body was sluggish.

The first thing he did after waking up was open up his diary.

Nothing noteworthy happened in recent days. Hence, his diary comprised only fillers. The content of the Will of Fire was written over and over again until Tonan himself wanted to throw up.

October 6.

Something big happened today. I thought about it for a long time, but I cannot pen it even now. Last evening, Chiryo asked me to meet her at the waterfall in the forest. She said she had something to tell me.

Unexpectedly, she appeared in front of me naked! And wanted to become my woman. I ran. I have only thought of her as a little sister. What's more, I've already fallen in love with Mina.

I thought this would've been the end of the matter, but...

I never thought I'd bump into Mina on my way back to the village at night. Her expression didn't look right, but I didn't notice it at first. I gathered my courage and confessed my feelings to her. I even kissed her.

She didn't reject me, which made me so happy that I felt like the happiest person in the world. But then she told me, she killed Chiryo with her own hands...

I don't know what to do. According to the village's rules, Mina should be executed for what she did. But I can't bear for that to happen. Now, Mina and I are the only ones who know this secret.

On one hand, it's my village, and on the other, my lover. Who should I choose?

The words written were extremely messy and stopped abruptly at this point.

Tonan also left a few ink dots on the blank space left behind. Then, he tossed the pen on top of the open diary and left the house with a lost look on his face.

On the road, he dilly-dallied for more than two hours before he arrived at the Hokage Residence. Inside the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen was leaning back in his chair with a leisurely expression, smoking a pipe.

Suddenly, he sat up straight.

Immediately after, Tonan knocked on the office door.


Pushing open the door, Tonan came inside. He looked at Hiruzen with a pale face, liked he wanted to speak but paused again. Eventually, he just dropped his head and remained silent.

"Tonan, what happened?"

Tonan clenched his fists and kneeled on the ground at once. Tears overflowing from his eyes, he sobbed, "Hokage-sama, I've killed someone. Please execute me!"

Hiruzen was startled for a moment. He came to Tonan's side and said in a grim voice, "Tonan, raise your head and look at me."

Tonan slowly lifted his head, but before he could even meet Hiruzen's eyes for more than a second, he lowered it again. His eyes were constantly moving, looking guilty.

Hiruzen frowned, but he felt at a loss on what to do. Right now, the most important thing was to suppress this matter. Hiruzen immediately called the Anbu over.

"Bring Tonan to the Interrogation Department. Don't let anyone interrogate him without my orders," Hiruzen commanded with a serious face.

"Yes," the Anbu answered. He grabbed Tonan and left using the Body Flicker Technique.

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