Chapter 50: Conniving Officials, Master Chigo

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Author's Note:
The Land of Wind is one of the more prominent countries in the Shinobi World, located to the southwest of the Land of Fire; Sunagakure is its hidden village.

Daimyo is the political leader of a country, responsible for all decisions concerning the country including privileges to the hidden village.

Wind Daimyo is the government leader of the Land of Wind.

The Land of Hot Water is a country that shares borders with the Land of Frost, the Land of Sound, and the Land of Fire.

The Land of Lightning, one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries, is located northeast of the Land of Fire.

Heika, equivalent to 'Majesty', is the most formal style of nobility in Japan.

As Team Nine left Konoha for its first B-ranked mission, at the Daimyo Residence of the Land of Wind, a high-profiled meeting was underway.

The Wind Daimyo sat behind a curtain with his officials sitting below on both sides.

"Fire Temple's Master Chigo is going to the Hot Water Temple to discuss Buddhist doctrine. What do you all think about this latest development?" the daimyo's deep voice came from behind the curtain.

An old man seated in the front thought for a while and replied, "This situation is anything but reassuring. It seems to just be a Buddhist debate, but in fact, it's the Land of Fire throwing an olive branch to the Land of Hot Water."

The daimyo was stunned for a moment. Not convinced, he asked, "Miyaji-dono, why would you think so?"

Miyaji narrowed his eyes slightly, stroked his beard, and said, "This may be an anecdote for ordinary people, but for Buddhists, it's a rare grand event. Even if they had to crawl all the way, they would go there. Many a grain of sand piled up to make a pagoda, and little drops of water make the mighty ocean! No one knows how many Buddhists are there in the Ninja World. When the time comes, they will flock together, and once so many gather, it will boost the economy."

"Moreover, if this debate is brilliant and has enough influence, then, for the years to come, Hot Water Temple will become a sacred place. At that time, as long as the Land of Fire extends some assistance, the Land of Hot Water's national power will snowball. Realizing the benefits, perhaps, the two will completely side with each other."

The more the daimyo mulled over Miyaji's analysis, the more he agreed. He sighed deeply and said, "At first, I thought it was just a small event. I never thought it would have such deep ramifications. It seems that the relationship between those two countries is getting closer. Just had to hear such bad news early in the morning. Miyaji-dono, I wonder if you have any countermeasures."

Miyaji smiled inwardly, lightly coughed, and answered, "Heika, between Fire Temple's Master Chigo and the Hot Water Temple's monks, who do you think is better at Buddhist doctrine?"

"Master Chigo, undoubtedly."

"I may have an inept plan." Miyaji stood up, placed his hands behind his back, and continued, "Imagine the Hot Water Temple loses the debate, leading to a complete loss of face. And in retaliation, they issue a contract to assassinate Master Chigo. Does this sound believable?"

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