C H A P T E R 7 8

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I don't know how it happened. One minute we are sat, warm and safe (ish) in the comfort of the Capitol house, the next minute my ass is being dragged down a ladder down into the underground tunnels.

"My brother knows these tunnels really well," Castor says making his way down the ladder. "He works sanitation down here, right after they made him an Avox." You could hear the disgust towards the Capitol in his voice.

We follow closely behind Pollux as he adjusts his suit nervously, "hey, hey. You're going to be okay," Castor comforts him. "Look at me. Look at me. We're gonna get through this. I promise."

Pollux takes a deep breathe before carrying on. "Took us five years to buy his way out here. He didn't see the sun once," Castor explains his brothers hysterics.

As the sound of a train approaching sounds in our ears, we all rush to hide behind a nearby wall.

I hear Katniss say something about us being too exposed before Pollux leads us off again, in a light jog, towards a small door.

Remember that door? Led to another ladder. Yup, now we are even further underground. I swear to whatever god exists, if I have to swim in peoples shit I'm calling it quits. That's too far.

A pipe bursts in one of the tunnels, catching everyone off guard as we all crouch.

As we stood, as a group, in the tunnels on our way to help Katniss kill Snow, I can't help but wonder who will survive. I can't help but let my mind wonder to the question of how many of us are actually going to make it home alive to continue the rest of our lives. As I look around the group, I hope we all do, but the likelihood of that happening was slim to none.

AN: ik this is really short. It's been a long day ahah

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