C H A P T E R 7

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For the first day of group training Jessica focussed on knowledge. She educated herself on things like fresh water: cold biomes- melt from ice, warm biomes- tress, plants, cacti etc. and also things like what food was and wasn't poisonous, how to safely hike/climb, how to start a fire, how to set up traps and how to extract venom from snakes.

For example, there is a snake called seisocope: a genetically modified snake that lives in cold biomes and hides in the snow. They were the most dangerous animal on the list so, she assumed it would be safest to know about them.
-How to kill them: chop off their head.
-How to spot one: they are a dusty grey and the end of the snake is an icy blue, it sticks the blue tip out of the snow to detect motion, you can also hear them, they make a quiet humming sound for around 10 seconds before shooting out of the ground and killing.
-How to extract venom: pull out a tooth, wearing gloves, and squeeze the head to release a gooey blue liquid. Do NOT get on skin, it will kill in seconds. 

For the second day of group training Jessica worked on agility, strength and weapons. There was a rock climbing wall, not the type little Capitol kids would climb on at a playground, more like an actual mountain. After an hour, she had mastered the technique to manoeuvre her way up a mountain free climbing.
She worked with her knives, throwing them at the 'person' targets, the knives landing perfectly where she had planned each time, the heart, between the eyes, right lung, left lung etc. Her accuracy was on point. She went into a simulator booth to practice her aim on moving targets and, like before, she hit each one perfectly, she never missed.

She would practise one to one combat with Finnick, who would use a variety of weapons so she was as prepared as possible whilst she used her twin knives, a machete, or even just daggers sometimes. Mags taught her how to wrap up a bandage effectively until a sponsor provides proper equipment and also taught her a breathing exercise to use when she felt a panic attack coming on which, as the games got closer, started to happen more and more.

After training almost nonstop, she felt prepared for assessment and evaluation day.

She had always had good aim, throwing things at her brothers as well as her older brother teaching her how to aim and throw a knife when she was eleven, they weren't lucky enough to have the privilege of the illegal training some people in 4 got.

She was persistent, that was obvious, when she first threw a knife, when being taught and corrected by Finnick, she had about 64% accuracy but after hours of relentless training, which she never once complained about, she had a solid 100% accuracy, and a few scars to show for it.

Finnick was proud of her but he couldn't get attached, what if she doesn't make it out the arena. He believes in the girls ability 100%, it's whether she has the heart to kill another human being he's worried about.

He remembered finding her the first night in the Capitol after her training.

"You should probably be asleep," Finnick speaks in a low voice from the doorway, careful not to wake anyone.

"So should you," she argues with a small smile on her face.

"I have an excuse this year, I'm not a tribute. I could go sneak off to a party for all they care."

"So why don't you?"

"I'd rather sit in the living room at 2 am talking to you," he states.

"Ha, ha."

"Hey! I'm not joking, don't mock me," he tries to be serious but ends up laughing.

"My sincere apologies Mr Odair," she answers sarcastically. After a moment of silence, she speaks again, "why?"

"Why what?" He replies in a childish manner, knowing exactly what she's referring to.

"You know what," she rolls her eyes.

"You intrigue me," he states, watching her reaction.

She grins, "I am very intriguing."

"I feel like your mocking me again."

"I wouldn't dare."

"Sure you wouldn't," there's a small pause, "can I ask you something?"

"I suppose so."

"What's with the pearl you carry around? Gift from a boyfriend?" He subtly hints. He didn't know why but he wanted to know.

She scoffs lightly, "definitely not from a boyfriend. My urm.. my little brother gave it to me before I left."

"I see. And the luck stone necklace?"

"My older brother."

"Your a very sentimental person I see."

"When it comes to people I care about, yes, I am. There a problem Odair," she smiles innocently, completely oblivious to the affect her smile has on him.

"No, no problem." He smiles, "goodnight pearl, get some sleep, will you?"

Then he leaves the room before she can reply. She was glad it was dark in the living room otherwise he would've been aware of the fact he made her blush like a school girl.

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