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Jessica Odair storms into the Command room. It took a while to convince Finnick to let her go with him to the Capitol (especially after her panic attack about the Capitol, torture and Snow but, Katniss wanted Jessica there so she would be there). Though, in the end, he knew she was stubborn and would go whether he liked it or not. As long as she was on the same team as him, he'd deal with it. She went straight to Coin after their chat.

"Put me in the squad," she demands.

"What?" Coin asks, startled by her bluntness.

"Katniss' team going to the Capitol. I want in," she explains.

"No. You're not cleared fit for duty," Coin denies.

"Then clear me," Jessica argues through gritted teeth.

"You're still unstable, you'll be a liability." Coin argues back.

"Honey, I've been through two Games and a shit load of torture and I'm still standing," Jessica keeps her ground, "I assure you. I won't be a liability."


"I'm not asking for permission, President Coin, whether you clear me or not, I will be on that plane and I will fight even if it's the last thing I do," she interrupts.

She storms out the room, satisfied with the... 'conversation.'

Lieutenant Jackson, a far-sighted, middle-aged woman, introduced the squad to Katniss and Gale.

"I'm Lieutenant Jackson, and I want to introduce you to your squad. This is Second Lieutenant Mitchell, best sharpshooter in Panem." Jackson gestured to an older man, who Katniss sent a nod. "These are the Leeg Sisters, First Combat Division," Jackson looks to the two identical blondes. "And this is Corporal Holmes," Jackson pat the shoulder of the last man in the line.

Katniss spots Finnick and Jessica walking over, hand in hand, "Finnick, Jess, are you guys with us?"

"Looks like it," Finnick answers as Katniss hugs him.

"I'm glad you got cleared," Katniss hugs Jessica.

"Didn't," Jessica shrugs, "nothing can keep me away."

Katniss sends the selfless girl a smile, "that was a short honeymoon."

"Yeah, well, I guess we'll have to have one in the Capitol after we take it," Finnick smirks.

Katniss looks at the blonde stood behind Jessica, "oh! Katniss, you remember my friend, and the girl I've been training with, Leah Connors," Jessica says.

Katniss shakes Leah's waiting hand, "good to see you again."

Boggs walks over with Cressida, Pollux, Castor and Messalla. "Gather round. Squad 451, you're my unit. Lieutenant Jackson is my second in command. Each one of you is elite in some form of combat, but we are a non-combat unit. So we'll be following days behind the frontline troops."

"You're to be the onscreen faces of the invasion," Cressida explains. "The Star Squad. It's been decided that your most effective when seen by the masses."

"So we're not gonna fight?" Gale speaks up.

"You do whatever you're ordered to do, soldier. It's not your job to ask questions," Boggs commands.

"Yes, sir," Gale obeys, like the wuss he is. The man who had once called Peeta a coward for submitting to the Capitol's orders after abuse and torture backed down after a simple sentence.

"Our instructions are to shoot propaganda footage on the battle scarred streets of the Capitol. You were handpicked to intimidate their forces-"

"-and inspire surrenders," Cressida finishes.

"Even though we'll be working in abandoned streets miles behind the frontlines, I guarantee you, wherever they put us, will not be safe. This is a war zone. It is likely that we'll encounter both active pods and Peacekeepers. You're considered high value targets to the Capitol. In the event of capture, you'll be given a nightlock pill," Boggs raises a small box and hands it to Jackson, "a poison that acts immediately that ejects into the arms. I've already briefed you on the pods." Jackson walks around the group, handing each person a nightlock. "I remind you they are on ever block. Our unit has been given a Holo, a database that contains a detailed map of the Capitol, and a list of every known pod. These pods can trigger anything from bombs to traps to mutts. We cannot move without this device. There's no guarantee that our database is complete. There could be new pods that we're not aware of. Because we don't want the gamemakers to know we have this intel, it has a self-destruct on it. You flip the switch, say 'nightlock' three times, and it blows itself and anything within a 10 foot radius. Stay within our unit. Even with the Holo, it's likely that new pods have been set. Whatever they contain, they're meant to kill you."

Finnick, who was standing between Jessica and Katniss, smirks and says under his breath, just loud enough for the squad to hear, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 76th Hunger Games."

"And may the odds be ever in our favour," Jessica smirks.

AN: I love Jessica's attitude with Coin ☺️

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