C H A P T E R 5

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Jessica Miller's eyes scanned the room, everything was clean and shiny, there were mahogany tables, an unnecessary amount of expensive silver spread throughout the room, an excessive amount of food, that would most likely be thrown and wasted if not eaten, which filled the tables and various bottles of alcohol on a side tray.

Dale Connors' nerves quickly dissipated as the sight of food lay out throughout the train caught his eye. He wasted no time to stuff his face with biscuits and sweets, too busy filling the empty void in his stomach to wonder if the food before him could have been drugged at all. The innocent mind of the small boy reminded Jessica Miller that that's all he was. Just a boy, barely 12. The Capitol was full of heartless, rich people who enjoyed watching children suffer for entertainment. It disgusted her. The thought of it made her sick to her stomach.

Jessica sat next to the window, gazing out of it as the scenery changed as the train practically flew by. Dale sat directly opposite her, still focussed on his biscuits. The 18 year olds fingers absentmindedly found their way to the pebble around her neck, checking it was still there, finding comfort in the smoothness of the rock. Such a simple gesture went such a long way. She checked her pocket, finding the small pearl still hidden away too, she gets it out and starts rolling it in her palm. The cold of the pearl juxtaposed nicely with the warmth of her hand.

Mags took the closet seat, placing herself next to Jessica, the two exchanging smiles as Finnick sat opposite Mags, next to Dale. Their escort, Elaine Rosewell entered the room and stood around them.

"200mph and you can barely feel a thing. Incredible, don't you think? I think it's one of the many wonderful things about this rare opportunity that, even though you're only here for a little while, you get to enjoy all of this luxury."

Silence. No one knows what to say. Though Jessica appreciates a positive attitude, maybe not at this specific moment in time.

"Alright, whilst we have time to kill let's go over things you should know to help you survive in the arena. First of all, any questions?"

"Whose training us?" Dale asked, watching the two victors.

"It was supposed to be Finnick and Annie but she was affected rather badly after her games last year so Mags stepped in. You will have separate training sessions with Finnick but a joint one with both Finnick and Mags. Your private sessions will be skills and combat training, your joint sessions will be knowledge and practical skills such as what you can and can't eat in the arena, finding food etc. Any other questions?"


"Alright good, Finnick?" Elaine passed control over to the handsome blonde.

"Alright, one of the most important things on how to survive is to get people to like you. Both in and out of the arena. You will be judged, try get a high score. You will be interviewed, be attractive, entertaining and happy. Smile. Most importantly, remember that every second in the arena, you are being watched. The more people like you both in and out the arena, the more sponsors you get which will therefore benefit you for example if you are injured and are in need of medical care, you're gonna need a gift from a sponsor to get it."

For a few hours, Finnick gave them advice and tips on how to survive, Mags would contribute here and there but Finnick would have to translate for Dale to understand due to Mags' inability to speak. They spoke about things like allies, hunting, what to collect at the Cornucopia, how to find shelter etc.

It was a lot of information, but both Jessica and Dale absorbed every last word like a sponge in water because if they wanted a chance at survival, they would need all the advice available.

Eventually, Elaine showed them to their private rooms where they could spend some time alone and let all the information sink in.

As she entered the room, the television was already on, previous games being replayed as two hosts, Claudius Templesmith and Caesar Flickerman, commented on the footage. Seeing the blood and the gore, the brunette girl switched it off and sat on the soft bed.

The next morning, after a well needed sleep, she emerged from the room to find Elaine reapplying makeup and Finnick and Mags talking/signing and eating what she assumed was their breakfast.

She walked over earning a wide smile from Mags, before placing two pieces of toast on her plate. Taking a seat, she spread some butter on the toast with a silver knife, which most likely cost more money than her entire house.

They spoke about a few more survival tactics here and there but mostly ate in a comfortable silence. Finnick watched as she twirls a small pearl around her fingers but says nothing of it.

Not long after Jessica arrived, they were joined by Dale who had a large bowl of chocolate ice cream for breakfast.

Although the vast amount of food was tempting, she didn't want to eat too much the days before the games as that would make starvation in the games come faster and more affective. However, that didn't mean she wouldn't eat and enjoy the food, giving that for all she knows, these could be the last meals she ever eats.

"Look! Look!" Exclaims the 12 year old, blonde boy, with a mouth covered in ice cream.

Jessica followed him to the window, looking out at the Capitol, "it's huge!" The little boy states.

As they turn around, Elaine's eyes fall on the boy, "my, oh my, clean yourself up for the cameras. Quick, quick!"

She handed him some wipes as the train passed the large crowd of Capitol citizens. 

"Smile you two," Elaine reminded them.

As the train passed by the crowd of people, you could see the expensive outfits, unnatural coloured hair, dramatic makeup and excessively long eyelashes. Finnick, Mags and Elaine talked plans as the two tributes stayed by the window and showed themselves off, sponsors. Dale sent them a nervous smile, Jessica flashing her usual, 'happy' smile until the train completely passed the crowd and headed to where they would be staying. The two tributes then headed back to their table, sitting with their mentors as Elaine rambled on, making sure they were prepared for what was to come which, of course, was something you can never truly be ready for.

This was just the beginning.

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