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Finnick sat alone in his designated room tying knots in his rope, welcoming the painful stings as his tired, blistered hands worked.

Without Jessica, he felt a constant emptiness inside of him. He'd do anything for her to come back to him.

In District 13, waiting for her arrival, was Finnick, Mags, Jacob and Kylo. Finnick had demanded that Mags and Jessica's brothers were to be brought to 13 so he knew they were safe. Besides, he knew Jess would want to see them when she returned. If she returned. He forced the thought out of his head. With the help of Katniss, it had been possible and the three had been brought to District 13.

Kylo spend most of his days with Primrose. He would follow the girl around like a lovesick puppy hanging onto her every word and the girl, though she wouldn't admit it, loved having him around.

Jacob spent most of his days either with Finnick, as they had two common subjects which was causing their heartache, helping in the hospitals, or doing some fitness in the 13 gym. He missed his sister and he missed the girl he had loved for so many years.

Mags spent her time either comforting Finnick, looking after the younger kids or in her room relaxing. She was exempt from working.

Finnick spent his days alone, mostly, as he wasn't exactly his usual, cheery self. He'd tie knots until his hands were numb and bleeding. He'd eat when hungry, sleep when tired. He was numb and broken. He didn't know what to do with himself. Occasionally, he would go down to the training room and either train with his trident or speak with Beetee.

Beetee, who spent most days wheeling around the gym working on equipment, enjoyed his occasional chats with Finnick. He too missed the girl he hadn't got long enough to get to know. The girl who nicknamed him 'B' (pronounced 'Bee'). The girl whose last words to him were, "you too B, stay safe," before she had left with Johanna and Katniss to take the coil to the beach.

Jessica Miller tended to have that affect on people. Almost every person she met would soon fall in love with the girl whose presence was always a positive thing to be around. The girl whose smile could light up a whole room. The girl whose positive attitude could make a pessimist see the bright side of things. The girl who, no matter how much pain she's in herself, will always put a smile on her face and check on others. Finnick's girl.

Back in the small, cold room filled with four cells, Johanna, Annie, Jessica and Peeta were all slumped against a cold wall of their cell. Cold, hungry and, in everyone's case apart from Annie, in pain. Jessica made sure to try keep the atmosphere as hopeful and light as possible. She would be and do whatever her friends needed. For Johanna, that was sarcasm and humour. For Peeta, that was soothing, comforting words. And for Annie, that was a distraction; conversation to keep her sane.

The only thing keeping the Miller girl going, keeping her positive and sane, was the thought of Finnick. The knowledge that he was okay. That he was safe and out of harms way. She would go through a world of torture, endure whatever it was Snow could possibly think of, if it meant he and her friends and family could be safe.

She though of her brother often, hoping they were alright. Hoping they were both still alive and well and still had each other.

She also thought of the friends who were lucky enough to not be in a cell.

She thought of Mags and hoped her mentor was also still alive and well and, hopefully, living a peaceful life. She thought of her new friend Beetee. She hoped he was still alive, educating others and making them feel stupid. She found that funny. She thought of Katniss. The Girl on Fire. She hoped she was still okay, not only for herself but also for Peeta's sake. She hoped the pressure of being the Mockingjay wasn't getting too much for the girl to bare.

No matter who or what she thought about, her train of thoughts would always finish with the same handsome, tall boy with tanned skin, bronze hair, and especially stunning sea-green eyes. Her Finnick. Her home.

AN: next chapter will be all about Jessica and her troubles.

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