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Jessica had been woken by two peacekeepers dragging her hastily out of the room, which only Annie and Johanna were currently in, Peeta had been taken earlier.

She was taken to a fancier room, one in which Caesar Flickerman sat in, a stylist messing with his hair as he avoided eye contact with her.

Snow walked over to her and asked her if she was willing to do an interview which she of course declined until he offered a deal. She does this interview, Johanna and Annie go torture free for a week. She agreed without a second thought. She would bare all four peoples torture combined if it meant her friends could have even a day of peaceful rest.

She was whisked off to have her hair, makeup and outfit done. They managed to cover all bruises and scars but one: the one on the left side of her face going from the end of her left eyebrow, to where her ear is.

The cut was still healing into a scar so they were unable to cover it.

She came out, and was pushed into a seat next to Peeta who also sat down for the interview.

Caesar finally looked up at her, gasping out of horror and disgust as he saw her scar. She smiled almost genuinely at the man, she now realised was also forced to do these interviews.

Like a switch, Caesar's entire posture and demeanour changed as they announced they were live. As the camera started to record, he turned into the Capitol interviewer rather than the Capitol citizen, being forced to be the famous 'Caesar Flickerman'.

"Hello. Good evening." Was it evening? She hadn't even known. She had no concept of time whilst being tortured around the clock. "And a big welcome to all in Panem. I'm Caesar Flickerman. And whoever you are, whatever it is you're doing, if you're working, put down your work. If you're having dinner, stop having dinner. Because you are going to want to witness this tonight. There has been rampant speculation about what really happened in the Quarter Quell. And here to shed a little light in the subject for us is two very special guests. Please welcome Mr Peeta Mellark and Miss Jessica Miller. First up, we have Mr Mellark."

Back in 13, Finnick and Katniss, who had been sitting in the canteen, stood from their seats, walking towards the screen.

"Peeta, a lot of people feel as though they are in the dark." Caesar continues.

"Yeah, I know how they feel," Peeta says bitterly.

"Now, so set the stage for us. Talk us through what really happened on that final and controversial night." Caesar asks.

"Well, first off, you have to understand that when your in the Games you only get one wish. It's very costly."

"It costs your life." Caesar assumes.

"I think it costs more than your life." Peeta replies.

"How do you mean? What's more than your life?" Caesar asks him.

"I mean to murder innocent people, that costs everything that you are." Caesar nods in reply. "So you hold onto that one wish. And that night my wish was to save Katniss." Caesar nods again. "And I should've just run off with her earlier in the day like she'd wanted."

"But you didn't," Caesar pushes, "why? We're you caught up in Beetee's plan?"

Peeta scoffs, "No, I was caught up trying to play allies. And then they separated us and that's when I lost her. And then the lightning hit and the whole force field around the arena just blew out."

"Yes, but, Peeta, Katniss is the one who blew it out," Caesar raises a brow at the blonde as he says no. "You saw the footage."

"No, she didn't know what she was doing," Peeta claims, getting defensive, "Neither of us knew there was a bigger plan going on. We had no idea."

"You had no idea?" Caesar asks and Peeta says no.

"All right. Well, Peeta, there are many who find this suspicious to say the least. It seems as though she was a part of a rebel plan." This angers Peeta.

"Do you think it was part of her plan to be almost killed by Johanna and Jess? Or part of the plan to be paralysed by lightning? No, we were not part of any rebel plan. We had no idea what was going on," Peeta's voice started to raise.

"All right. I believe you, Peeta Mellark," Caesar attempts to ease his anger, "thank you." Peeta nods. "I was going to ask you to speak about the unrest but I think you might be too upset," Caesar continues.

"No, I can."

"Are you sure?" Caesar asks.

"Absolutely," Peeta answers. "I want everyone who's watching to stop and to think about what a civil war could mean. We almost went extinct once before. And now our numbers are even fewer. Is this really what we want to do? Kill ourselves off? Killing is not the answer. Everyone needs to lay down their weapons immediately."

The people in 13 started to call him a traitor as Peeta was, unknown to the population of 13, reading of Snow's cards.

"Are you calling for a ceasefire?" Caesar leans closer.

"Yeah. I am. I want everyone to stop the senseless violence. This is not the path to change. It's not the path to justice."

"Thank you, Peeta Mellark. Now, our Princess of Panem, Miss Jessica Miller."

AN: what will Jess have to say?

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