C H A P T E R 1 1

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Breathe in.


Breathe out.


Breathe in.


Breathe out


Breathe in.


Breathe out.



Jessica was running as fast as she could, her legs ached, screaming for her to stop but she couldn't. Going to the cornucopia so soon was too risky so she grabbed one of the bags on the outer edge and ran for the mountains. She could hear booms here and there but had no time to think about it. She thought about slowing down but figured it was better to keep running, it was keeping her warm.

Scream. Boom.

She tried not to think about the dreaded sound of the canon firing as a bad thing, instead counting each 'boom' as one less person she would have to kill.

She found a mountain, made sure to tighten her backpack straps and headed towards it. She used her training to put half her weight on a rock before climbing up as to avoid it crumbling. Once she reached a more flat area she looked around for a cave. She knew what to look for and as she saw an opening she looked up to the sky and signed, thanks Mags, as to silently thank her mentor for teaching her how to find them.

She entered the cave, checking her surroundings before sitting down, and opened her bag to check what was inside.

A pack of knives, good.

A rope, some wires, and a net. Perfect to make a trap.

She got straight to work, starting to make a trap in front of the cave, covering the wire with snow. A few more canons went off as she worked. If anyone tried to come in the cave and get her, they'd get caught in her trap.

As she had almost finished setting up the trap, she heard snow crunching around her, then a scream. She whipped her head around to see a girl she recognised from district 8 on the floor in agony, a seisocope snake by her leg. Boom. She quickly grabbed a knife and threw it at the snake successfully chopping off it's head. Thank whatever god there is that she's got good aim, she thought.

She walked over to the girl, closed her eyes, and took her bag which had some dry food packets and a canister of water inside. She had a pair of machetes attached to her belt. It was no twin blades like she would've hope, but she was still skilled with the weapon in combat. She went back towards her cave and finished the trap.

She drank some water before sitting down against the cave wall.

The sky started to dim at an unnatural pace as the game makers ended their first day.

She heard the music start to play and crawled forwards so she could see the sky.

11 dead.

She found herself letting out a sigh of relief when she saw Dale was still alive. She decided she should get some sleep for now and find some more food and melt some water in the morning.

Before she retired for the night, she drew, in the snow, the words, 'happy birthday Ky' knowing that as of right now, it would probably be her little brothers birthday. She looked up at the sky one last time before retreating to the back wall of the cave, hidden from the entrance, to sleep.

Puzzle Pieces • Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now