C H A P T E R 1 2

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She couldn't tell what time it was, that was a concept lost when in the arena, but the sun had started to rise. Though she had only got a couple hours of sleep, Dale (who was sleeping soundly next to her) slept like a rock throughout the whole night.

She knew the careers were out there.

She knew they were looking for them.

She knew there would only be one winner.

And she knew she wouldn't kill Dale.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a quiet humming sound.


2. Seisocope.


4. She shoved Dale awake, grabbing him to his feet as she looked at the snow, machete in hand.



7. She counted the 10 seconds of humming under her breath.


9. The snow stopped at the entrance of the cave meaning the snake was outside and, hopefully, she'd be able to see it coming.


A dusty grey snake pounced out of the snow onto the ground, making Dale back away further into the wall. Jessica remained unfazed waiting for her chance.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Aim. Throw.

It's head cuts clean off. She waits a few seconds, checking that was the only one before approaching, she had gloves on so shouldn't be poisoned. She yanked out its fang and dipped her knives in the venom of the snake.

This would ensure an almost immediate death to anyone who feels the wrath of Jessica's knife.

Just moments later, voices are heard outside: careers. Jessica and Dale ready themselves, weapons in hands, Dales hands shaking slightly, Jessica sends him a tight, good luck, nod before he nods back at her. 

"Come out, come out wherever you are, four."

Jessica and Dale rounded the corner slowly and quietly, once she could see one of the careers, she sent a venom knife their way.


Now that their hiding place was revealed, the careers ran forwards, the two male tributes, one from district one and one from district two, made their way towards her. She purposely hadn't learnt any of their names to make it the tiniest bit easier to kill them. As she fights with the two males, Dale fights with the other female left.


One of the males were dead.


The second male dead.

She looked over at Dale to see a sword through his chest as he coughed up blood, falling to the ground as the girl ripped it out. Out of rage, Jessica threw a knife her way, killing her instantly.

That's one thing that would help her get over the deaths she had caused, every one of them, she gave a quick death. Little suffering.

She ran to Dales side, applying pressure to his wound though it had little to no effect, "Dale. Hey, Dale. You're okay. It's okay. You're gonna be fine. Stay with me, okay?"

Through the pain, he manages to say, "are they dead?"

"Yeah, yeah they're gone, don't worry, they're gone, it's okay."

"Thank y- you."

"It's just you and me okay? Like old times, just you and me."



"It's o-okay."


She rested her head against his chest, tears silently running down her face.

'Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, the winner of the 70th Annual Hunger Games, Jessica Miller!'

AN: and we have a winner, bye bye Dale :(

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