iii. dragonglass and diplomacy [part ii]

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DRAGONGLASS & DIPLOMACY 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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..."WE TOOK CASTERLY ROCK." Tyrion dutifully informed Valeria and Daenerys, whom had both just emerged onto Dragonstone's ashened shore post a rather eventful inspection of Jon Snow's grandesque excuse for a mining operation, during which only Valeria had seemed remotely interested in the Dragonglass itself, with Daenerys being far more focused upon...inspecting...Jon Snow himself instead.

"That's very good to hear." Daenerys nodded, audibly pleased by the o' so welcome news that she was one step closer to sitting upon the ever—elusive iron throne, and possessing all the power, and potential, it entailed.

Valeria however, always the pessimist, was unconvinced, watching wearily on as Tyrion and the nearby Varys shared a look at Daenerys's zealous response, and furrowing her brow in vexation as she tried to determine the slippery sentiment behind the action — ultimately giving up, choosing instead to use her words, not her eyes, to extract the tainted truth.

"You're holding something back, aren't you? Spit it out." She spoke, the faintest notion of a fire rising in her eyes as the pair's lips remained sealed despite the notably quite blunt, and in turn, dangerous nature of her request. "Go on then — spit it out." She persisted, and as yet again, her words garnered no real response, Valeria simply narrowed her eyes at them, menacingly. "No? I guess I'll just have to cut an honest answer out of you then."

At these raised stakes, slowly, Varys took a single step forwards, gesturing softly for the sisters to move towards him as he whispered the fateful news — the Dornish, and Ironborne were lost forever, sent burning and bleeding into their watery graves by Euron Greyjoy, Cersei Lannister's latest, and perhaps deadliest ally. And perhaps slightly less importantly, that the Reach — and whatever was left of the Tyrell's power had been obliterated by the murder of Olena Tyrell, an act committed by none other than the forever cursed murderer of their father — Jaime Lannister. And lastly, that Casterly Rock, too, had indeed been taken — but not without a great, and perhaps even deadly, cost.

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