update - important !! **not discontinued**

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Firstly – long time no see! I feel as though I've completely neglected this account for the last year or so, for which I can only apologise, life is rather insane (though I can't excuse myself with any of that demented 'author lore'  I'm always reading on this app – unfortunately I haven't been kidnapped or caught up in a military coup, just obscenely busy) and updating this story hasn't quite been able to be a priority. The good news is I'm back now and have a little more time on my hands to get re–involved with it! 

The bad news is I've decided that I really want to take this story in a different direction. I struggle to find it an accurate reflection of what I want 'out there' as a writer – and think there's so much more potential, and opportunity, for development – and for it to be something really quite good – than I could even fathom when I was writing it. I remember feeling the same way about the very first version of this (which hopefully none of you read – it was like sickening–to–read–or–even–look–at awful, frankly), which led to the overhaul this current version is! This book has been evolving for literally four years (which is slightly terrifying), but I know that the only thing re–writing can do is make it even better. 

I'm currently about half way through a re-write, and I think you're going to love it.  This new version is a little darker, much sadder and much shorter but something I find that – when, inevitably, I re–read it in the midst of a midnight existential crisis in five years time – I might actually be quite proud of. In terms of updates, this version is going to stay up for you to enjoy – in its' entirety – until I have completed the re–write in full so no more drawn out or sporadic updates until there's a complete, (hopefully) much better, version! 

Plot wise, it's going to be vaguely similar (I have an unhealthy attachment to Valeria and couldn't imagine this story without her), but I love a tense slow burn moment and feel it needs a much heavier dose of drama so we'll see. Huge apologies for cutting this version short – but I (might) by persuaded to spoil what was going to happen in the comments, so keep your eyes peeled! 

Please – I beg – treat the comment of this chapter like it's the book's funeral, though. Speeches, please! I'd love to know what you think, your favourite moments / characters and what you'd like to see in the new version...

And lastly, thank you for all your support. I never envisioned that anyone would read this story – let alone more than a thousand of you. I read (and laugh at) all your comments, and they are – in truth – what gives this story life. The real meaning of any art is truly in the eyes of its' beholders – you have taught me that – and my main hope for this new version is, simply, that you all love and enjoy it. 

All the best!


K x

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 07 ⏰

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the thaw. [arya stark]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ