vi. by law of the stars

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CHAPTER SIX: BY LAW OF THE STARSa letter from varys to valeria。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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a letter from varys to valeria


There are no words in existence that can possibly articulate the danger that lies within the words enclosed within this letter. In the so easily perturbed hearts of men, what I am about to divulge to you would most likely give cause enough to justify my execution. But, I trust that by the law of the stars, not that of men, I will not be judged quite so harshly.

As your eyes tread o' so carefully across this parchment, I have no doubt that an abject, infallible confusion will be rooting itself deep within your heart. 'Why?', you must be asking yourself, and in response, I will simply tell you this;

The North remembers.

The North remembers the day your father burnt their lord alive, the North remembers the blood of your ancestors conquest, the blood that still salts their earth and reddens their snow — they remember their noble King, whose frosty heart has been so easily stolen by your sister.

And the North, as of this present moment, has proven itself to have quite an aptitude for revenge.

Beware, Valeria, for to them — you are the epitome of everything they detest. The heir whose very breath of life threatens to continue a dynasty that's existence has taken everything from them — first, their freedom, then, their lord, and now — their King.

You will be met with no kindness, instead, with baited breath, and a cautious, passive manifestation of the sheer hatred that lies ingrained within the bedrock of their society. You will be betrayed, and tricked at every turn — and as such, it is imperative that you act with the caution this warrants, for your life will undoubtedly be in incomprehensible danger.

Sleep with one eye open, child, for you will need to.

But, there was a reason it is you, and not your sister who will be the first to brave the cold, a reason that it is you who has been chosen to fulfil this vital task — a fact, or to put it less simply, a single, defining truth that your sister has been smart enough not to ignore.

You, Valeria, are different.

You are no fool bound by the constraints of conformity — you live in a manner that pleases yourself, and your intentions, with little regard for the consequences of your actions, secure in the knowledge that whomever it is you've upset, or wronged — you can simply deal with, and in many...not so pleasant...ways. And, the undesirable, yet undeniable fact that, as of this moment, you have far more Targaryen blood on your hands than any man, or woman in the North can profess to have even touched.

Show them your power — show them just how hot the blood within your veins runs. Show them that fire and blood will always prevail. Impress upon them a fear so fervent, that they will be terrified into submission.

These Starks, as my little bird's whisper to me — do not scare easily, for they have seen, and felt terror just like yourself — but, alas, they have never met you, Valeria. And if your reputation precedes you as I suspect it will, they will not be so exited to do so...

Do this, and Westeros will have fallen by the Winters' end.

Do this, and your fight will be over.

Do this, and your sister will be granted a chance at restoring some kind of light into the endless dark that seems to plague this cursed continent.

Your friend,


AUTHORS NOTE!! UNEDITED (4/06)yes, this is me throwing a major spanner in the works the literal chapter before valeria & arya meet for FUN

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yes, this is me throwing a major spanner in the works the literal chapter before valeria & arya meet for FUN. how will valeria behave when she reaches winterfell? has she even read this letter? if she has, will she listen to varys? read on to find out...

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