ii. silver tongue, blazing heart

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..."YOU STAND IN THE presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Unburnt, The Breaker of Chains." ...were the very first words that met Jon Snow's ears the moment he layed eyes on Daenerys Targaryen — a menacing myriad of title after title, each increasingly more impressive, and thereby, daunting.

But nothing could be more daunting than the Queen herself — who from the slated throne of Dragonstone's most sacred hall, Jon Snow could only describe as some sort of emphereal vision, comprised of equal parts power, terror, and beauty. Daenerys Targaryen possessed the kind of beauty that started wars, sacked cities — and that stole, and wrecked the hearts of men just like him. With her silver hair, and violet eyes that burned bright with fire — Jon Snow's heart belonged to Daenerys Targaryen from the very second he dared to exist in her almost godly presence, and like so many men before him, he found himself undoubtedly, irrecoverably, incandescently, and absolutely in love.

So, naturally, when Ser Davos introduced him as nothing but 'Jon Snow', who was 'King in the North' — he was mortified, and as the formalities occurred around him, albeit not without their tensions, Jon couldn't help but worry if his heated cheeks had flushed an embarrassing shade of red, and whether or not the Queen had been paying him enough attention to notice.

When it came to be his turn to speak, Jon deplored the Queen to aid their o' so vital cause — to join them in arms against the Knight King, whom by Winters' end would have them all as mere meat for his great army unless they dared to act against him — and together, at that.

But she didn't seem to listen — and just as the discussion seemed to reach its most diplomatically challenging peak, the door to the hall was flung open, and an unfamiliar, yet o' so notorious character entered.

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