i. tyrion's warning

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TYRION'S WARNING。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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...JON SNOW was fucked, literally. A broodingly dark cloud of doubt, danger, and fear seemed to follow him wherever he went — and no matter how much he tried to ignore it, the threat that it posed was ever—encroaching upon him and his beloved family at an uncomfortably fast rate, bearing on his consciousness like an itch rooted deep within his mind, and one that he could never quite seem to scratch, either.

This itch, of course, was the Night King and his army of thousands of white walkers, that with every waking minute drew closer and closer south — their minds set on one, unanimous, purpose; the annihilation of everyone, and everything that wasn't them. Naturally, this macabre idea was not helped by the fact that, even though the war for Westeros's very existence was imminent, the Lords and Ladies of the continent still continued to fight amongst themselves — utterly ignorant to the very true, and very sad fact that in a matter of weeks, given that they continued to do nothing, none of this fighting would matter — because they'd all be dead.

This was the very fact that had brought Jon Snow, accompanied by Ser Davos Seaworth, to Dragonstone in the hopes that Queen Daenerys Targaryen and her notorious sister, Valeria, would be more amenable to the prospect of aiding his cause, for far underneath Dragonstone, deep in its stalactite—ridden caves laid a bountiful and much needed supply of one of the only substances capable of ending a whitewalkers' life, and thereby making the fight against the Night King a far less...deadly...prospect — Dragonglass.

In short, Daenerys Targaryen held the key to victory against death and darkness — and Jon Snow would be dammed if he didn't leave Dragonstone without some kind of alliance, deal, or atleast understanding, with the silver—haired Dragon Queen and her sister.

It was said that of the two last Targaryens, Daenerys, the so called Mother of Dragons, was born to rule; fair, sweet, and all powerful — yet decidedly benevolent. The Dragon Queen was, by all accounts, the spitting image of everything a Queen should be, and, perhaps most importantly — nothing like her famously insane father.

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