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Early in the morning Amelia and I had a verbal fight over who should drive. I resort to telling her that she is one of the worst drivers on the island. That put an end to our quarrels.

I take us to a mall close by. There weren't many people. Amelia wanted to go everywhere, and when I say everywhere I meant everywhere.

I would find something elegant, and she insist on buying it and then drag me to another store. I didn’t use Daniel’s credit card because it didn’t feel right. I knew he would tell me how ridiculous I am for choosing not to use it, and Amelia would kill me if she knew I had it.

"Slow down. I need to breathe." I complain when I couldn’t handle walking anymore.

"We have only been here for two hours and you're tired already?"
"Yes!" I exclaim in agony. I wasn't built for this much walking. "Why are you paying for all these clothes and shoes that I'll never wear?" I enquire when I catch my breath.

"Oh, I'm not paying for anything. Daniel gave me his credit card just in case you decide not to use the one he gave you. "

It took me a solid minute to recover from what she had told me. "This is a lot of clothes! I want to sit down!"

"You will. After hair and make-up." I turn to leave but she hauls me to the hair salon. At least it wasn't shopping. The hairdresser asked how I wanted my hair done and Amelia told her to straighten my hair without asking my opinion. I give in and allow her to do it.

Amelia left to get makeup supplies since I didn't have any at home, why would I? I'm already beautiful and comfortable in my skin. I explain this to Amelia, but she only smiled at me and left. Sometimes I wonder if she ever uses her ears.

After two and a half hours my curly hair was straightened, resting on my lower back. When I was given the mirror, I gasped when I saw myself. I looked different. My face is glowing. I could almost recognize myself with messy kinky curls. Soon, Amelia came back with tons of makeup items, concealer, eye shadow of every color, and lipsticks. I didn't bother arguing with her. I was happy when we start walking in the direction of the parking lot. When we get their Dash was leaning in the car, texting on his phone.

"Hey," Amelia waves bringing his attention to us.

"I thought you two wouldn't have finished until midnight."

"I thought so too," I agree and earn a menacing look from Amelia.

"Why are you here?" She asks

"The Three Rings is handing over Wade to the police. Jason also wants to talk to you,"

Amelia's smile drops at the sound of Jason's name. In the car I wanted to ask her why she seems so frightened so suddenly. I didn't want to pry but I remember my last good moment before the explosion with Lia and that scared look in her eyes. I didn't ask her what was wrong and maybe if I did it could have changed how things happened.

"Why does Jason want to talk to you?"

"I don’t know maybe Daniel told him about my suspicions."

“Daniel said he wouldn’t he usually keeps his word."
"He's going give me a lecture about following orders and not going above the ones who are set over me." I agreed with her.

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