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His fate has been decided. I assess the look Dr. Redford carry when she gets off the elevator. He was going to die or was I mistaken? No, she seems as if she was about to explode with anger. Amelia hadn't found anything in the office. I didn't know exactly what we were excepting to find. Daniel wouldn't leave the information on himself just lying around the place.

"You two got your request. The others will consider it, you will know what the decision is at dawn. I hope it was worth it," She analyzes us for a moment. "You two went snooping. So much for promises," With that she walks towards the exit. I glare at Amelia and she smiles at me innocently.

Atticus, Daniel, Emerson, my mother and an unfamiliar man comes into the receptionist area. I notice an unfamiliar faces.

"Who is he?"

"That's Giovanni. Azim of Intelligence," She subtly nods to a man dressed in an expensive blue suit who was talking to Atticus. He was undoubtedly handsome. "And of course that's your mother  next to him who is also the Azim of Intelligence." I choose to ignore her last statement.

"Why can't Atticus look that good?" Atticus's attention avert from Giovanni and towards me. So did everyone else. Daniel's eyes hold amusement; under the black mask, I bet he's laughing. Atticus raise an eyebrow. I offer him a small wave and before stepping behind Amelia.

I'm glad when they start talking again. Daniel comes hand snakes around my waist. I wasn't given any time to recover because he hurriedly takes us outside. We didn't stop walking until we reach the part of the lawn that's barely lit.

"About earlier I'm not sure what really happened," I start.

"Jemi it's fine."

"It's fine? What exactly are we talking about?" I question.

"How do you feel when I'm around you," He takes a small step towards me and I back away until I bump into the wall. " Are you okay?"

"I'm okay just need a little breathing space."

"So how do you feel and please don't lie to me about this."

My feelings are jumbled and uncertainty. I'm with Jordon but I almost had a thing with Daniel. I'm not even sure what almost happened back in the office.

"I feel normal and a bit curious as to how you look underneath your mask." I say in one breath.

He scans my face, probably looking for any hint of untruthfulness.

"Okay that's good," He tells me once he's satisfied with my answer, but at the same time he sounds disappointed. " We should get back in there." Daniel almost turns to leave, that's when I find myself grabbing his hands.

"I feel butterflies and my heart feels like it's going to explode when you are around." I confess.

Silence settles over us and I instantly regret my words. It was better if he gives me a verbal rejection, silence is terrible it leaves room for misinterpretation.

"You're with someone Jemi and I don't want come between you and Jordon. Especially with Wade here we need to focus." He pauses and let the his words settle into the silence then starts again. "Besides it must be the mask and your curious with my identity."

"That's probably it." I reply quickly. "But how do you feel when you are around me?"

He seems a little taken back by the question but I needed to know if there's a slight chance that he might feel what I felt. We haven't had chance to be around each other without some dangerous event going on but I needed to know if he's as curious as I am to understand what was beneath my mask. I really want to know who he was without the mask but it is more than that. I want to know what he's like when he isn't giving orders or protecting people.

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