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Michael Wade was a victim of everyday injustice and unfairness. Since he was the one who kick-started the uprising then one could say, the overthrowing of the government started in 2122. On the day that Wade lost the most important person in his life. I wouldn't know if it was the most important person in his life—but it was pretty evident from the brutal murders, explosions, and the plot to take over the country; This particular person meant a lot to him. After all, she was his daughter.

One cold January evening, seven-year-old Gabrielle Wade was coming home from school with her cousin, twelve-year-old Alex Miller. The two had boarded a taxi as per usual. Except that evening was very unusual. Traffic was terrible—which was the norm on Orion.

Sirens went off in a distance—it was chaos. A round of shots blared through the congestion, alerting everyone. Motorist abandoned their vehicles. A few cars collided with each other, causing numerous of them to be pushed off the road, unto the sidewalk. It was pure havoc and confusion.

The driver took off and left the two oblivious children in the backseat sleeping. When they finally became alert of the trouble coming their way, it was too late. To win a messy gun battle, the police accidentally shot Alex and Gabrielle; this is a world where law enforcement officers didn't suffer any consequences; they got off easy.

The story made the headlines, and soon everyone forgot about it. Everyone except for Michael of course. His first target was the driver. Another story that made the front pages a year after the incident, 'Taxi driver found with the head severed from his body' . Wade was on a rampage, he was completely far gone, and there was no coming back from murder.

A few months later he stopped showing up for work. He was one of three apothecaries on the island—they made drugs and distributed them to hospitals and suppliers. It was an important line of work since the country looked forward to lessening its dependence on imported medicine. Wade's disappearance alerted many and for good reasons too. The weight of the drug making  industry was now in the hands of two apothecaries instead of three. The demand for medicine profusely.

It was not until three years later on November 1st, 2125, that Wade made his appearance to the nation, declaring that he was going to run for president. Everyone laughed at him because no one knew Michael Wade anymore. Four days after his so-called declaration, he blew up Tech Industries Headquarters. It was the famous explosion that took hundreds of lives, in addition to that killed our beloved president.

Why did he go through that much trouble? Well for his dead daughter and nephew.

During the times that Wade was missing, nobody can say for sure where he was or what exactly he was doing. Dash has a theory that he took refugee in the mountains, studying natural medicine from the Cammarons.

His other plans fell right into place after the starting of the Revolution-which is a much better word than Uprising if you asked me. Michael infiltrated himself into politics. His recovery plan for the country must have been spotless and convincing because the whole island started seeing him as the reincarnation of Jesus. While he was devil himself.

It is important to note that Wade didn't stop at one building. The guy blew up half of the island and then went on national television to tell everyone not to panic because the terrorist will be brought to justice. Everyone worshipped him. He was the light to all the darkness he caused.

How ironical.

Most citizens like myself were unaware of Wade's schemes, he started building his campaign and paying off police officers to do his bidding and also investment in Westside pharmaceutical. Wade has power, he doesn't even need to be the president, he's much more than that. Who can out shine the sun? Who can defeat the sun? Wade is like the sun.

What about protecting and serving?! Where is the loyalty?!

Fear was a powerful tool and Wade had it all in his hands. The country was kissing his shoes while he was ruining us. His only opponent was the Three Rings but they only protect there own, in secret.

Explosions, massacres, and a corrupted political system. How could Wade do any more harm? What could be worse than those? The answer to that is poison. While he was considered talented at his previous work, he was personal know as 'The Maker'. What did he make? Yes, he made medicine but he also experimented and created toxic chemicals.

Chemicals which he place in the bomb that blew up my school. It was the first time he was using those types of explosives. Daniel found out that the attack on the University was just random, it was just to test the intensity of the poison.

Yes, I agree. Wade has completely gone crazy. He's smart but he has lost his humanity. Instead of using that energy to make Orion a better place, he resorted to burning it down. What happened to his child and nephew was traumatic but that doesn't give him the right to kill people. I don't believe in vengeance, call me a pacifist but it doesn't solve anything.

Now I can really see what Atticus means by music won't save this country. How naive of me to think that music could magically make everyone happy. We need more than that. I don't believe in violence but Wade needs to be put somewhere far from this island. Preferably in the middle of the ocean, a thousand feet down below, away from civilization.

The real problem was the that the public doesn't know. Well, they do know; they sense it everyday. He was too good to be true but he's light in a tunnel of darkness, leaving us  with no choice but to follow. Mindlessly, without question because even with the light leading us down a hole, we still choose to follow. We are drawn to it like moth to flame.

The Uprising On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara