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"Jason if you help me I will owe you my life," I plead. He looks up to the sky and then at me.

"If it means that much to you I will get Jordon to help you," I become overwhelmed with joy, enough to pull him towards me, hugging him tightly. "Alright you're welcome. Let me go," I let go of him just in time to catch one of the guards silently laughing.

I couldn't believe that I purposely came back to this house after badly wanting to leave a few days ago. "By the way how did you end up getting your mother's car stolen?"

I replayed the events in my head. It started after my mother came for me to the hospital, she was happy to see me. So ecstatic that she didn't bother asking questions. While I was in the car my phone came on. I found it strange because I tried powering it up over fifty times. The screen was frozen on my GPS, with a bright green dot signaling a location.

I chose to ignore it and enjoy the fresh air and the overcast morning sky. Rain was due today, I could smell the scent of dust rising from the small droplets of water meeting the ground. I felt free even though I had a strong feeling that I wasn't out of danger just yet. The man in the mask was another topic on my mind. I still wanted to know more about him.

When we pulled up to our flowery driveway, I hurriedly told my mother I was going to room. I found it strange that she didn't protest. She was in fact, quite understanding.

Upon reaching my bedroom, I closed the door and then proceed to dive into my soft dark red sheets. "I miss you," I found myself whispering to the bed. I miss my tiny lamp on the table next to the bed. I miss the annoying car alarm that goes off every morning at five.

Suddenly freedom was of uttermost importance. It should be valued. I shivered at the fact that I was so easily taken against my will. I never want to go back to that hospital or that house. I almost died, multiple times. Down Town, the warehouse, and the hotel roof.

My hands idly reached for the lamp. In doing so, I knocked over a frame that was sitting next to it, thanks to my quick reflexes, I caught it. I brought the frame to my face and looked it over. The boy who had his hand around my ten-year-old self was my older brother Brandon. I hid the frame behind the lamp and force the dreadful memories to the back of my mind.

I had too much on my mind already. I did not need those memories to resurface. He had made a choice that caused me to live without him. And I had no choice but to accept it.

I shook off the thoughts. No, I won't remember. I can't remember. It's been three years and the last time I cried for him was a year ago.

My phone vibrated and picking it up, Kayla's words resonated in my mind. Follow the map. My curiosity was going to the death of me one day.

I got myself cleaned up and got dressed in a blue crop top, black ripped jeans, and a pair of white converse. It was still morning, too early to go out without my mother spotting me. I had to wait until midnight. It was risky but it was worth it.

At eleven'o clock, I grabbed my purse and phone and then began to creep around the pitch-black living room. I found the car keys on the table and quietly left the house.

The car is parked in front of the house but luckily my mother's room was built towards the back. When the car started, everything went downhill from there. I can only imagine the court case that will happen when she finds out. The verdict will end with me getting a death sentence. Sometimes I think she's better at being a detective rather than a lawyer.

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