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The Courtroom is pack with Atticus's supporters. Almost every Journalist on the island was at the steps of the court, waiting for the jury to come back to give a verdict. I'm sitting at the back with Jordon and Tae, while Jason and Dash remain in the van parked outside. Daniel only allow two members to be present to avoid unwanted attention. I had to fight my way here.

My mother was Atticus's defense attorney. She brought forward some valid and strong arguments. The prosecution did so as well. They brought up the fact that it was his licensed firearm that shot the mayor in the heart.

The defense countered by adding that there was no proof that he fired the shot since the cameras were down.  There was also no motive. In addition to that forensics found two sets of fingerprints on the murder weapon. One belongs to Alkane and the other, to an unknown person.

All we had to do was sit and wait for the jury to come back. I prayed that it would be in his favour. He was the one who said that he never fails. This better not be a time where he does.

Suddenly, I was upset with him for choosing to stay behind. I was upset that he's so brave. I was angry that I couldn't be strong and full of faith at this moment. How could I be? The Justice system never did its job properly. Those who should be convicted are roaming free. The ones who should not have been convicted are the ones our system failed.

Then the cycle starts all over again. Setting criminals on a non-stop rampage. They got away with it once, and they do it again. While the ones who are just victims of unfortunate circumstances are being locked away.
It's just the way things. There was no justice only chaos.

Today, I prayed it would be different. It has to be different. If it wasn't I'm breaking him out myself. Regardless of his wishes.

"Why does your face have that look?" Tae probes.

"What look?"

"The look that says I'm worried but I'm trying to keep it together." His eyes travel from my face to my attire. "And why are you dressed like this is a funeral." he cringes at my plain black dress and matching black heels.

"It reflects my mood. Now leave me alone." 

"What mood is that? Grumpy with a hint of depression?"

The childish part of my personality wanted to stick my tongue out at him, my anxiety didn't allow it. I simply roll my eyes and continue to say my internal prayer.

The juries returned followed by the judge. They take their seats. One of the security guards took a paper from a jury member and hands it to the judge.

Judge Penbott scans the paper. He fold it, placing it in front of him, adjust his spectacles then looks to both the defense and the prosecution. "The St.Maris Parish Court finds Aittcus Edwards innocent of all charges laid against him." He bang his gavel signaling the end of the trial.

I smile for the first time in weeks. The room went into a gleeful uproar.  Even though the judge was calling for order, his voice was drowned out by the cheers. He bangs the gavel a few times and everyone went silent. 

"Let's go before the press blocks the entrance" Jordon suggests.

"Shouldn't we wait for him?"

"He will be at the base when he's ready."


At the SED everyone was celebrating Atticus's return. The only thing missing was Atticus. That didn't matter as long as he wasn't going to prison. The Underground was fill with excitement.

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