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A rough hand brushes against my cheeks, forcing me out of comfortable slumber. The silk-like sheets slip through my finger as I try to snuggle deeper in the softness of the bed. My mind suddenly became aware of the vast space, and the comfort I was in and force me to bolt into an upright position.

The first thing I realize was the doctor in the room, then the fact that I wasn't in the hospital anymore. My head turns to assess the layout of the room. There weren't any windows, only a door that seemed to open from the outside. In the corner was a blue backpack. I recognized it as mines. My eyes landed back on the doctor; she had an expression of nervousness painted on her face.

"Miss Wilson," she starts politely.

"Where am I?!" I yell, throwing off the sheets and getting to the door. Just as I had suspected, it was locked from the outside. Out of fear I bang my fist on the wooden door, screaming for someone to let me out. The doctor tries calming me down. I just couldn't control myself.

"Let me out!"

"Please, Jemima, we don't have much time. You need to listen to me or we both could die."

Her words make me stop my actions and face her. I'm so confused. Why was I here? How did I even get here? Was I kidnapped? What will happen to me? Rape, torture, human trafficking.

"What are you talking about? Open this door and let me out!"

"Look, they have my nephew. I didn't mean to drug you. They made me do it. You've to listen to me before he gets back."

"What do you mean?"

My words were drained out by the sound of the door opening. A tall masculine figure in a red hoodie walked in and then closed the door carefully. His presence filled the room with tension. I couldn't see his face because half of it was covered with a black mask and the next half with the hoodie.

"Is she okay?" he asks the doctor.

"Yes, she's fine. I need to see my nephew, please."

"You will get to see him soon," he replies firmly then turns his head to me. "How are you feeling?"

How am I feeling? Exactly how am I feeling? Let's see. I'm confused. I'm pretty sure I just got kidnapped, and I'm probably going to get tortured, killed, or raped.

"Who are you?! What am I doing here?!"

"She looks okay. You may leave," He motions with his hands to Kayla dismissively. Without another word, she exits the room. I half wish she would stay because now I feel extremely uncomfortable without her. Who is he?

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you, if that's what's going through your head."

"Says the person who had me drugged!" I scream, he seems unfazed, almost like my reaction was expected. "Then you kidnapped me. Do you seriously expect me to believe that you won't hurt me?"

"Yes, because if I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it at the school!"

A valid point to be considered, but I don't trust him. He moves towards me. I scramble from the bed to the next side of the room. "Don't come near me," I warn him.

"Look, I didn't mean to take you by force. I just didn't see any other way."

"Why me! I'm not worth anything. I promise you won't get a dime if you keep me here. Just let me go."

"You're worth a lot to the right people." I look at him. I feel a new level of fear spread through my chest, making my eyes go wide.

"Are you going to sell me?!"


"Help! Help! Somebody help me!" I grab one of the pillows and hurl it at his head, hoping it would do some damage. When it connects with his face, he hunches over in pain. Maybe the next one would help bring him down long enough for me to run.

"Okay, that's annoying. Don't do that," I pick up the other one and get ready to aim at his head again. "Stop!" Why should I listen to him? He kidnapped me now he's telling me he's going to sell me. I released the pillow from my hands, it was about to reach his face. He catches it and angrily rips it in half.

Did he just rip a pillow in half? I glance at the remaining pieces of the torn pillow he simply tossed aside. Yeah, he just did that. I will have to make a mental note to get on this guy's bad side because if he could do that, he would have no trouble ripping me in half.

"I said stop!"

"You said you were going to sell me."

"Who wants to sell you? Huh? Look at you. You're all skin and bones. Who would even buy you?!"


"I have assets," I point out weakly, making sure to hug my chest to prove my point. It was flat. Still, they were assets nonetheless. His eyes lock with mine.

"Nobody cares about your non-existent assets. Stop being dramatic."

"If you're not going to rape me or sell me to some foreign country. Then what am I doing here?"

"You're here for your protection"

"From what exactly?"

"Details aren't important. Just stay here for a few hours. If all goes well, you can go home"

"What do you mean by details aren't important? You just kidnapped me! And what's up with the mask? It's giving me creepy batman vibes!"

"It seems I have to drug you again. You talk too much."

"You talk too little. By the way, who are you? "


"You saved me?" I questioned remembering I had a near death experience.

"And I still haven't heard a thank you for that." He coax.

"Seeing that you kidnapped me, it's hard to be thankful at the moment."

He shrugs my words off and moves to the door. Surprisingly he left the door open. "Are you coming Jemima?!" Daniel shouts from outside, and my legs automatically start moving.

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