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The roof of the building is leaking. If this weather keeps up then we would be forced to leave. My curiosity leads me to a window; the sky was a blackened, endless, crying abyss; with a blitz of white light. The storm showed no signs of stopping and that worries me. However, Dash on the other hand thought the rain was a good cover because it would delay the Westside members.

"You need to go. I have already told you enough," He didn't leave any room for an argument. "Jordon is waiting for you at the back gate."

"I still don't get why you have to stay."
My body trembles at the images of Wade killing him.

"How sweet of you to worry about me."

"I'm not worried," I lie smoothly.

"Sure," He replies with a hint of sarcasm. "Oh, and if you have a thing for Jordon, you might want to make the first move."

His words catch me off guard, it causes me to choke on air. I didn't even know that was possible. "What are you talking about?"

"You heard me. Now go before you get us both killed!" Even though I want him to come, which he didn't, I exit the building and run into the rain again. The back gate wasn't too far but the downpour made the journey seem longer.

A few Westside members were running around, thankfully they didn't notice my presence. Jordon parked his black Lancer, on the curb across the street. Once I ge4t inside, next to him, almost instantly a round of shots were fired. My heartache at the thought that Dash could be hurt. He risks his life to save me and stubbornly decides to stay. I didn't even understand why he stayed back.

"Don't worry about him, he's well trained and the others are coming to help him," Jordon carefully reassures me. My eyes wander over to him, he was wearing thecombat uniform but without the usual black thick vest. His hand grips the steering wheel but for some reason, he hadn't start the car.

What Dash said was still lingering in my head. Jordon seems like a decent guy, I had to give him that. His features made him appear older and stronger for his age, any girl would go for him except he's a gang member. He kills people. Oh, wait, sorry a member of a secret organization.

He also protected me.

"Put your seatbelt on," he mumbles under his breath. I comply and then he speeds off into the darkness.

The roads were slippery, all the windows becomes foggy. Even with the headlights, we could only see as far as a few inches of road at a time. Jordon was conscious and maneuver the car meticulously.

"Where are we going?"


"Why are we going there?"

"Kayla needs to test a sample of your blood."

My body stiffened at the thought of having needles near me. Speaking from someone who has been drugged several times. Getting injected with a needle wasn't my idea of an ideal time. Jordon parked the car in the empty parking lot behind the familiar hospital. My hand reaches for the door handle, the car was locked. I turn to Jordon, his eyes darken as they search my face for something.

"You could have gotten yourself killed," He start.

"I know but I didn't."

My response somehow made him angrier. This was not my fault. How was I supposed to know that Lia is a gang member? She had supposedly been my best friend since the tenth grade. Lia wouldn't hurt a fly. Except that wasn't true anymore because she drugged me.

"The only reason you're still alive is because of us! He could have killed you!" He yells furiously. I have never heard him shout before. It was worse than that time Daniel did it.

"Maybe it's your fault for helping Daniel in kidnapping me!" It comes out an octave higher than expected. "If that hadn't happened I wouldn't have almost died," I finish calmly.

"If I hadn't helped then you would have ended up poisoned and buried a  under rubble. Be grateful."

That much was true. I hated to admit it. He tilted his head back and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're a headache," he curses. "A naive, skull-breaking headache."

That hurts.

"At least I don't murder people and lie to the ones I love, I'd rather stay a naive headache rather than be like you,"  He turns his gaze to me, his expression was unrecognizable.

"You should look at the facts before you judge others. Yes, killing is wrong but what would you do to protect yourself and the people you care for? The time will come when you have to choose between your morality and your life," he states coldly. "When that time comes you can tell me if murder is justifiable."

He opens the door, my body was still frozen in place. I could tell that he was waiting for me to leave. It was still raining but it wasn't the rain that made me stay—it was him. "I didn't mean to categorize you as a bad person."

"You did mean it and that's okay. I guess it's because you think that I'm a ruthless killer that you're afraid to tell me that you like me too."

"I don't even really know you Jordon. You might have followed me around for a year but for me I met you seven months go."

"That's true but you could have said something at the warehouse."

"The warehouse?"

"That night when I told you that I liked you."

Oh that's what he said. For some strange, unknown reason Daniel comes across my mind, and my chest tightens.

"Well we should get to know each other." I find myself saying.

"That's a start," He leaves the car ana a minute later I got out.

Jordon is leaning on his side of the door waiting for me. His hands were stuck in his pockets while his eyes idly stare at the soaked ground. The sky was clearing up, there was only a drizzle left of the rain.

"Come here." his voice sounds euphonic, at the same time demanding.

My mind would not allow my body to move. With a bit of willpower, my feet shuffle towards him. After a millennium which was only thirty seconds. I'm standing in front of him, awkwardly. He pulls his hands out of his pockets using them to drag me closer, resulting in our bodies colliding.

Being so close to him, I notice that his amber eyes had specks of grey in them, and the outline of his jaw was what made him seem older. He brings his head down and our lips touch. A new feeling grows inside me and I allow it to take root. Before we could deepen the kiss, someone behind us clears their throat.

"And here I thought you were both dead," Jason says nonchalantly.

The feeling of pure embarrassment course through me, despite Jason's presence, Jordon's arm remain planted around my waist. "We'll be there soon," Jason nods his head, turns on his heel, and retreat through the back door of the building.

"Sorry," He whispers but his beaming smile was anything but apologetic. "Let's get you inside."

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