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The Three Rings is becoming unstable. We had made it back to SED. They called it Base B. I somewhat prefer SED. We were standing in the hallway staring at my phone screen in horror. The news reporter's lips moved. Each word brought me closer to a shocking reality.

"Atticus Edwards is being held in police custody due to evidence brought against him regarding Mayor Delcott's death." For the first time, I there is fear in Amelia's eyes. That worried me since she was an experienced member trained to conceal her emotions.

"Look alive," Daniel says from behind us. "Yes, I know the situation is bad, and no, there is no time for any unnecessary emotions," he states firmly, his eyes scanning our faces for any sign of anxiety. "Atticus can take care of himself. Our top priority is Base X. Once Atticus is compromised, I become the sole leader of the Three Rings, but I can't be here right now. I have business elsewhere."

"What do you mean? If you leave, there will be chaos, and the Three Rings will fall," Amelia expressed, failing to hide her fear.

"I'm aware, Amelia. That is why I'm putting you three in charge,"

In charge of what exactly, and does he mean by three? I was certainly not doing that. I wanted nothing more than to be at home; maybe being useless wasn't bad. Daniel was serious. His eyes told me that much.

"We are Younglings we can't be in charge. Base X will take control of us." Amelia reasons.

"Who are Base X?" I finally ask.

"An inactive branch of the Three Rings that will become effective very soon since Atticus isn't here."

"And I'm counting on you three to ensure that doesn't happen. I need fifteen hours to finish what I'm doing. I'll be back by then," His voice hold an unspoken promise to it.

"No, I'm not doing it! I can't do it!" I was starting to lose my mind. He couldn't possibly expect us to lead an anti-government organization. For heaven's sake, I was only twenty years old! In what world was any of this normal?

"Give us a minute," Amelia and Jordon went into the office without questioning him. He folds his arms and stare into my eyes.

"Tell me what you fear."

"I can't be like you or Atticus. I can't do what you do. I'm going to mess up just like I did tonight," I admit with pure honesty. His arms drop to his side. He waited for me to continue. "You might say what happened tonight wasn't my fault, but it was my job to look after Atticus, and I failed." I finished.

"First of all, your job was to scan and report. You stopped him from being poisoned. That's success in my book. What happened tonight has nothing to do with you," He sighed, then continued. "Have you ever asked yourself why I really took you from the hospital."

"No, because you said it was because you thought I was a target."

"I could have left guards there to watch over you,"

Come to think of it. He could have done that. My head perked up, curiosity lacing my features. Why do I feel he is about to reveal something that would cause my confused mind to become scrambled? I mean, this is Daniel. His specialty is intelligence.

"I knew this would happen. This exact moment when Atticus would fall. You have a role in this moment and I expect you to play it."

"You're telling me you kidnapped me, put my life in danger, and brought me here to tell me that it was all a part of your master plan."

"Yes," he confirmed without any sense of shame or regret.

"Why? What do I play in this plan of yours? Tell me."

"I could have chosen any member to lead right now. Observant, Strategy, and Control. You three are exactly what Vendetta needs. I know you can do this."

"I can't!"

"You can and you will. I need fifteen hours. After that, you can go home and forget the Three Rings if that's what you want,"

"And forget about you?" I say softly

"I'm just a man in a mask Jemi."

"I'm not going to just forget that my mother and brother was apart of this secret world you all created."

"Then don't choose to forget, embrace it."

Sure, I was scared that I would lose my life being here. That was fear talking, though it's an actual possibility. I have faced two gun battles, and survived an explosion. Holding down the building for fifteen hours was a walk in the park. "What exactly is the plan?" I inquire.

"Let's just say it's highly strategic and classified,"

"Strategic? I thought your field was intelligence."

"I left a file on my desk for you three to follow. It outlines exactly what you're supposed to do and say. The redacted information isn't important." He stopped and glanced at his watch. "Looks like it's time to go. I'll be back before you know it."

My arms encircled his torso. He didn't hesitate to pull me in. "I will be back soon. Did you grow?" I didn't give him a response. I just enjoyed the last few seconds I had. Daniel to me, he represented order and safety. Ever since I met him, he always ensured I was safe, even if he kidnapped me. I was felt always safe with him.

"Yes, I'm almost taller than you," He sneers.

"Keep dreaming,"

He walks away. "Daniel." I call. He turns back.

"Are you okay Jemi?"

"I need to tell you something." My heart pounded in my chest. I fiddled with my hands and stare at him nervously.

"Uh I..well..Atticus said something strange and I don't know exactly how I feel but I just wanted to know if you um-"

"I already know  what you are going to say and I already know how you feel." He strokes my cheeks.

I felt myself calm with his touch and when he leaves I wasn't feeling afraid of failing any more

Fifteen hours. All I had to do was play my part. I had no idea what my part looked was. Inside his office.

We find the brown file resting on his desk. Its contents were unknown to the three of us. Jordon picks it up. I watch as his eyes roamed through the document page by page. The lines on his forehead wrinkles. He was confused.

"What's the plan?" Amelia breaks the tension.

"It's a script."

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