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when i arrived, there were already quite a few people around me, and i brushed aside the crowd and saw song mo first.

"sister, sister forget it..." he stood slightly in a slightly centered position, looking like he wanted to go forward but didn't know how to come forward.

in front of him were two small children in a circle, one of which need not be said to be song ningxi.

"you're ugly!" ugly, eight, weird! she angrily rode on top of the other child and pressed him to the ground.

it was supposed to be a four- or five-year-old boy, completely suppressed by her weight, his hands constantly slapping the ground, not knowing whether he was crushed or really sad, crying as if he was about to lose his breath.

"your brother whined... it's ugly, you're ugly too! even though the situation was really unfavorable to him now, he was still full of momentum, "your family is ugly!" "

"you say it again!" ning xi gasped and slapped the little boy's back.

the other person cried louder.

"song ningxi, stop!" i was afraid that she would beat people out of the way, so i rushed forward and pulled her up.

she saw that i was stunned, and subconsciously struggled up, shrinking in the direction of song mo.

"i didn't fight..." i began to deny it before i could ask her, "it's none of my business." "

song mo took a step forward, protected her behind her, and consciously and skillfully assumed full responsibility.

"it's my bad, mom, don't scold your sister, i didn't look at her."

at this time, song bailao and they also came, song xiao and liang qiuyang helped the little boy on the ground up, patted each other's dirt-stained clothes, and asked him if he was injured.

when the little boy turned his tear-stained face to me, i guessed his identity almost instantaneously.

the corners of his eyes, his nose, his mouth, he looked so much like zhu li.

"what's going on?" song bailao glanced at the little boy and asked song mo with a cold face.

he has always been more strict with children, and song mo and his sister have always dared not be brazen in front of him. fang cai faced me ning xi still dared to argue, seeing that song bailao directly shrunk behind his brother and did not come out.

"just now i was giving my sister something to eat, the last piece of strawberry cake..." song mo was also afraid of him, and described the cause of all this in a somewhat weak way.

he was getting food for his sister when suddenly his clothes were torn off, and he looked down and saw that it was a beautiful little boy with an omega.

the other person smiled sweetly and said he wanted the cake in his hand.

usually he also gave it, but this is my sister's favorite strawberry cake... looking at his sister on the other side, who was extremely expectant, he reluctantly refused the other party's request, but said that he could get him another cake.

unexpectedly, the little boy immediately changed his face after being rejected, smiled, and spat out three words at him: "ugly and weird." "

these three words can poke the honeycomb, song mo doesn't care, but ning xi has completely exploded mao.

"you're the ugly bastard!"

the little boy looked at her, then stepped on a thunderbolt: "you are so fat..."

The Wound In My Heart (Chen Shang)Where stories live. Discover now