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You walked into a large room with light hanging down from the ceiling. There were chairs stacked along everywhere and there was food in the centre of it all.

oh thank god.

You walked over and got yourself a napkin and took a few things. the tired man over the speaker then suddenly yelled in shock.

"Whoa! A students just got a hundred and twenty students out in one go! Wow, that just woke me up a little bit."

You suddenly had the urge to get back out there and get more people out. He probably busted his ass doing that, it was simple for you.
Not that much later, a boy with a shaved head walked through the doors. He was fairly tall.

"I would expect you to be the first one here!" He said, as soon as he noticed you.

"Of course, I didn't feel like doing too much." You shrug.

"I am happy that I get to compete against someone like you." He said. "I'm Inasa!"

"Y/n." You said.

You turned your head back to the screen that was in the centre of the wall. It showed everyone fighting and doing their stuff. For a second, you saw some memeber of the class, Midoriya, Uraraka and Sero talking to one another. It then showed Bakugo, Denki and Kirishima in the city area.

The doors opened again and in walked Todoroki. Inasa seemed to glare at him from a distance as he walked towards you.

"I knew you would be here soon." You said, slightly lying. You wanted someone to be here soon, Inasa was kinda weird.

"Were you first or second, I couldn't tell." he asked.

"First." You say. "Second place isn't my style."

He nodded and looked back to the screen, taking a chip you offered him. The screen turned to Bakugo, Kirishima and Denki. When it showed Bakugo, Todoroki looked towards you. You noticed, but didn't feel like making anything out of it so you ignored him.

Your mouth went agape when Kirishima began to deform and turn all mushy.

"Did my eyes deceive me?" Todoroki asked.

"I'd never thought I'd say this...but did Kirishima just turn into a meatball?"

"It would appear so."

More students came in, including some 1A members. You let yourself be distracted by the food. Soon enough everyone in 1A had made it through.

"Ha! Sweet, we made it!" Denki yelled as he strutted through the door. 
"Oh sweet, looks like everyone else did too!" Kirishima noted as he followed behind the sparky boy.

Bakugo looked mad as he walked in. He clicked his tongue as he looked away from Kirishima and Denki. His eyes found their way over to yours. The two of you were left staring at each other. There was no words to describe what it was like. For you, no emotions came to mind, it was like staring at a fly on the wall.
Your eyes were the first to break it up, his eyes still stayed on you.

I hate it when he stares.

"And that concludes the first exam. Those of you who didn't pass, sorry. Now, for the hundred of you that did pass the first test, please look to the screens and cast your attention to them."

You looked to the screen, it showed the buildings you just went to. Suddenly, without any warning they began to explode and fall. Craters forms while the smoke filled the area.

"There is only one more part of this exam."
You groaned and had a spilt second spaz attack. You were so tired, and all you really wanted to do was go back to the dorms and take the longest, most delicious little nap you would ever have in your entire life.

A nap where your pillow was silky smooth and transported you to another world were the clouds were like cotton candy. A kind of place where you'd love to party. That place seemed neat. The kind of place were you wouldn't smell the sweat of the other hundred different people within the too small of a space.

Also the kind of place where you wouldn't have to see Katsu-...

The kind of place where you wouldn't have to see Bakugo's big dumb combat boots or the fuck ass way he cuts his hair. Seriously, you hated it. Hated him...

Maybe this nap-dream land would be a place where Bakugo didn't release the information to the world. Maybe it would be a place where Bakugo was still Katsuki.
You wondered if a place like that could even exist anymore.

Your eyes betrayed you as you glanced back over to the ash blond. And there he was. Standing around Kirishima and Denki as they attached themselves to him to either annoy or be sure they were friends. But instead of looking at them, you looked at him.

There was the boys in the class and then there was Bakugo.
You hated that he was Bakugo. You hated him so much it made you sick to your core in a sickness you've never felt before. You hated him, hated, hated and hated.

But fucking jesus, you hated it that Bakugo wasn't around.
You hated that he had to be angry and do what angry people do and make mistakes. You hated that the mistake was releasing everything about Yakasai because how was someone just supposed to get over that? You could be found and killed any second now and it would literally be thanks to Bakugo. The jackass.

You hated that Bakugo sometimes would now look over at your way, as if there was something to say but the words would never come. You hated that he made you care damn much and now everything was ruined.

Even though it wasn't that long since you arrived here at U.A High School, and even though it wasn't even that long since you and Bakugo would swab spit, you hated that you thought it was something real.
You hated Bakugo for making you feel, and then proceed to turn those feelings into a shattered mirror. You should've known it would end like this. You should've never written the damn list. The stupid list that you couldn't even remember why it was written in the first place.

You hated that and everything else because everything you and Bakugo did, everything that was said, and everything he told you was nothing more than a lie.

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