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The next day, All Might woke you up before the sun was up and he was slightly surprised that you didn't try to kill him or throw a pillow at him. When with the villains, you often hand to wake up early or else.

All might had taken you to a clearing near a forest. There was a giant hole in the middle of it, almost as if water once ran though here. You traced the size of the hole and saw it went further out to the forest and near a village. You turned the All Might in question.

"What are we doing here?" You asked, lifting your arms up a small bit.

"This place was once a river filled with clear water" All Might said, walking past you and looking at the hole. "A few years back, a villain incident caused the river to stop flowing, some heroes did the best they could, but they gave up 7 months ago, this river water flowed to that village over there"

All Might pointed to the village that was just over the forest, it was cut of from the rest of the world, and not many people lived around this part of the country.

"A lot of the people have died due to lack of water, I want you to try and do something to help them" All Might said.

You looked at him with your eyes slightly widened and your eyebrows raised giving him a 'you want me to do what now?' look.

"And how exactly do you plan on me doing that" You say, keeping the look.

"Thats for the both of us to find out!" All Might said with a tilted head smile, man he was not helping. "No pressure"

You sighed and sat down, staring at the hole that was once filled with water. How the hell were you supposed to fix this? Your quirk had literally nothing to do with water.

"Any time now" All Might says, after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm thinking" You reply, slightly annoyed. You let out a huff and flopped down to the ground. "Ugh! I don't know what to do! My quirk doesn't have anything to do with water! Why are you making me do this!"

"For you to practice pro-hero problem solving" All Might says, suddenly shifting into his taller and more built self. "EVERY ASPIRING HERO MUST HAVE SOME SORT OF PROBLEM TO DEAL WITH!"

You sighed and rolled your eyes as you looked away. Getting stiff from sitting down for too long, you got up and stretched. You and All Might had been here for an hour and a half. All Might was keeping him self occupied with a butterfly.

You decided to walk down into the hole, walking sideways down the steep slope so you didn't fall. Small clouds of dust followed your feet as you skidded past the dusty hill.

You reached the bottom and took notice in the cracks on the ground and the over used colour of beige. You ran a hand through your hair and rubbed your temple as you peered around the hole.

Multiple gaps were dry and crack, signalling the roots of the old river dam. One of them stood out to you. Although, you were unsure if it was either calling out to you or the fact it said 'no entry at all'. Smiling slightly, you made your way over to the fence which cut people off.

Looking back to All Might once more and making sure he was preoccupied, you jumped over the wooden fence and landed on the other side.

The other side had many trees around you, higher up and not in the old water way. You followed the track to wherever it was leading you, it calling out to you. You walked for a while, All Might probably knew you were gone by now, but you both left your phones at All Might's house.

Just as you were about to give up, something caught your eye. Aa massive metal way stood before you. The reason why something was calling out to you was clear now, the lack of metal around you made your quirk want to find some metal -which it did.

A strange gushing sound was coming from behind you, so you used your quirk and removed the metal from your view, instantly regretting it.

"Oh Shi-!" A tidal wave of water caused you to fly backward, bring you with it.

Even though you were almost drowning, you couldn't help but smile, you found the water that the heroes couldn't even find. You swam your way to the top and took in a deep breath of air, the wooden fence coming into view. Your smile disappeared for a second.

This is gonna hurt.

You closed your eyes shut and waited for the impact.

You were smacked into the wooden fence, making it break and the water flowing out to dried up land, giving it water. You rose to the surface once more and swam your way over to the edge of the river.

All Might helped you out and you shook yourself like a wet dog. All Might's face was in total shock.

"I didn't actually expect you to do it" All Might said, not looking away from the water flowing out. "I was gonna tell you that there is something you can't fix in life and you'll have to live with it, but...this is a lot better"

"Well thank for the vote of confidence." You say, watching the water flow in its wat towards the village.

" You say, watching the water flow in its wat towards the village

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[𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦]- K. Bakugo x Reader-

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