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You were embarrassed. You just had a physical and mental breakdown, not only in the middle of a test, but with people watching you on the big screen as well.

To make things better, your new lover was now in the hospital wing. You were standing right outside the door, debating weather or not you should go in. You hand was on the door knob, but all you really did was just stare longing at it, waiting for something to happen.

"You can go in dear, he's only resting" A frail voice said from down beside you.

You turned your head to look straight down at Recovery Girl, she was smiling up at you.

"You took quite a fall during your test, you sure you don't want a check up?" She asked.

"I'm fine" You weren't fine. It hurt like hell, but you said otherwise.

"Alright" She turned around and walked away with her cane in her hand, guiding her.

You watched her as she walked away. You gulped as you slowly turned the knob in your hand. Does he even want me inside? Would he want to see me? You pushed all those thoughts out and just walked right over to him.

You moved a chair over to him and sat down. His hand was at his side, basically begging for you to take it in yours. You took his hand and gripped it with both of your hands. He had grazes on his hand and it was so warm. You took a breath in. The room smelt stale and...cold.

You glanced at Katsuki's face. He was covered in dirt, scars and scraps all over his beautiful face and body. His arms were bruised and they scattered across his body. Even in his sleep his arms were a little shaky.

You tenderly rubbed his knuckles, wiping some dirt off him. Making room for you to kiss his knuckles. More than just being lover, Katsuki was your first friend and you cared for him more than your own life. Your breath shook as it left your throat. It pained you too see him like this.

Deku woke up first and instantly asked if 'Kacchan' was okay. You nodded and lied to him that Aizawa asked to watch over the two of you until you both woke up. Deku nodded, but wasn't totally convinced.

He saw the way the two of you looked at each other. He noticed when Katsuki went outside and you followed him after, only to run back inside with a blush as Aizawa entered. He noticed how Katsuki would look at you longer than anyone else. He saw how you examined his face. He saw how you held his limp hand in yours. He saw how Katsuki hands would casually brush over yours and stay their for longer than they should have. He saw the way you smiled at him.

But of course, he said nothing but a sweet goodbye and left you alone with Katsuki. The light began to fade as evening came along. You got a wet cloth and gently wipe away the sweat on his forehead, the dirt all over his body. You re-newed his band aids and placed more in places he needed them. You cleaned his hands with care, you brushed his hair and got out all the muck and dirt in his hair.

You ran your fingers through his hair for a while. You moved your hand back to his hand and rubbed your thumb in circles and waited for him to wake. You grew more tired. You hadn't gotten good sleep in a day or two, you were worried about the exams. Your eyes had eye bags in them and yet you didn't sleep. You wanted to stay awake until Katsuki woke up.

To pass some time, you went to take care of yourself. You cleaned your wounds and placed a bandage around your arm. You didn't see the same cut on your arm until you checked yourself.

Katsuki's eyes soon fluttered open. He tried to move his arm, but it hurt. Where was he at? It took him a few seconds for him to realised where he was. He relaxed back into the bed he was lying in, letting out a breath.

Everything was coming back to him now. The battle with All Might. How he had to team up with that stupid Deku. How he felt so-

"Are you okay? Do you pain?" A soft voice muttered next to him.

Katsuki darted his eyes towards you as you walked over to him, just finishing wrapping the bandage around your arm. His hands jumped to the side of the mattress in surprise. There in front of him was girl, still in her hero costume and covered in dust. Her upper arm had a bandage wrapped around it and her eyes looked exhausted, almost as if she could fall asleep at any given moment.

"Are you upset?"

Katsuki shook his head before eyeing you up and down and saying. "no."

"W-" You weren't given any chance to even start a sentence before Katsuki butted in.

"What happened with you? You went bat-shit crazy, I was worried. -Hell, Everyone was worried" Katsuki says.

"I just saw some nightmares, that's all" You brush it off. "That's Sweet Dreams quirk, is it not?"

"Yeah, but when you screamed, little bit of metal went flying everywhere, they stopped before they hit any one and dropped to the ground, everything other shard stabbed something." He said.

Your looked down and crossed your eyebrows before letting an 'oh' escape your mouth. Did that really happen?

"Are you hurt?" Katsuki asks, not looking away from the bandage on your arm.

"It's just a scratch" You say, brushing it off. "You are more hurt than me"

"I feel fine" Katsuki says, trying to get up, but hisses in pain.


You help him up and recheck his injuries, making sure nothing was bleeding or open. When you were satisfied, you looked back to Katsuki who was busy admiring your face.

"This is your fault"

As soon as he says that, he pushes his mouth into yours. He kissed you and leaned back, waiting for you to kiss him back, Which, of course, you did. He kissed you like there was no tomorrow. His tongue licked the roof of your mouth and toyed with yours. He bit your lip and moved you further in with his hands.

You ran your fingers through his hair and gladly kissed him back.
Finally, you were happy.

[𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦]- K

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[𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦]
- K. Bakugo x Reader-

Part One: Complete

𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦 | K. Bakugo x Reader | My Hero Academia |Where stories live. Discover now