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Soon enough, 3 people walked in the room, all in the same uniform. It was the boy who was glaring at you for no apparent reason and two more kids, both female. The one on the left had a plain face, black hair and brown eyes, no sign of a physical quirk. The one on the right however was a tall woman with a crocodile-like figure. She had green scaly skin and a jaw that belonged to a crocodile.

The boy came to you first, fiddling with one of the musty orange balls that would leave you walking away with no hero license. Your muscles in your arms and calves felt as if they would pop at the slightest of movement.

"Well, hello..." The boy spoke without any expression in his voice or face. "Do you remember me?"

You searched his face, his eyes, his nose, the small freckles on the upper right side of his face. The scar on his body. Nothing was familiar, but the scar sparked something in the back of your mind.

"Maybe this..." He gave you a better view of his scar. "Will ring a bell?"

The scar itself, as stupid as it sounds, looked familiar. After some time, he stood up and looked down on you with a glare. 

"5 years ago, Ufastyu family, apartment 22." He said.

The ear piece in your ear was silent as you made your way to the 19th floor, 22nd apartment. You had your orders to kill the woman who had gotten so close to finding out about the Yakasai. Your hair was pulled back into box braids.

Coming on closer to the apartment, you heard the shuffling of fast footsteps moving around the apartment. They must have the Yakasai was coming for them. You moved into position and waited for your orders.

"I'm in position." You say, eyes on the door.

After a few seconds, the voice in the ear piece responded, telling you to move in. In that second, the door opened, you quickly ran inside, slamming the plain orange door shut. The man who looked to be about 37 screamed and jumped back.

A woman then ran into the room, followed by two smaller children. One your age, another, much younger. The woman's hair began to glow and she whipped her head to grab onto your arm.

Your reflex's were too slow and she pulled you towards her. You grabbed the knife in your holster with your spare hand and sliced her neck.

Her eyes widened and she stopped using her quirk. Her hand went to her throat and then she tried to push her children away, but failing as she fell to the ground. The youngest started screaming and crying, running to his mother. 

You kicked him back and he stumbled back to the couch, his grubby hands over his stomach. His older brother ran to him. 

The father, who was now crying with tear marks on his cheeks, tried to hit you. You ducked and kicked out his legs. He fell face-first on the ground,  most likely breaking his nose.

You turned back to the woman, having to make sure she was dead. but a hand wrapped around your ankle and pulled you back, making you fall face first, hands breaking some of the fall. The father turned you around and punched you in the face, your nose instantly began to bleed and your eyes began to tear up.

"Fuck you!" He screamed, trying to hit you again.

But, you had began to use your quirk, you forced the knife you used to kill the woman in his hands for finger prints and then used your quirk to shove him out the window. His screams slowly faded away before they stopped, followed by a car crashing.

The eldest boy tried to come at you, but you used your quirk to create a sharp piece of metal that slit his throat.

Walking back over to the woman, you used your quirk to turn her around. Her lifeless body and empty eyes gave the message she was dead.

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