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You were in the middle of lunch when a certain blonde slammed his hands down on your table. You didn't flinch or react that much, instead you just looked up to him unimpressed.

"I saw the news" Katsuki said as he took his seat down next to you.

"Oh really, good for you" You say uninterested.

"I saw your fight on the news" Bakugo spoke as if you were a child.

"Oh, okay...and?" You replied.

"I wanna fight you" That was all he said. And he said it with determination in his eyes. He said it more as a demand than a question too.

"You wanna get beat up? Funny, I would like to do that...but, I'll pass" You smirk as you continued you eat your food.

"What? Why!?" Bakugo yelled, other people from the cafeteria were looking at you and Bakugo, wondering why you weren't scared or dead yet.

"Maybe she has a dead wish?" Said one student.

But, over where most people from 1A where, Izuku Midoriya was silently watching how Bakugo acted around you.

"Deku, what are you staring at?" Uraraka asked her table buddy.

"oh, I'm not staring, I just was looking over at y/n and Kacchan" Midoriya said, going back to your food.

"I must say, it is rather odd that Bakugo is acting this way around y/n, has he possibly gotten nicer over the week?" Tenya Iida said, going in on the conversation.

"Nah, he still calls me dunce face and shoves past me in the halls" Denki said, proving that Bakugo was nicer.

"Maybe he just likes y/n better" Uraraka says. "Y/n...she's, strange...I'm not trying to be mean, but she is different to most teens"

"I agree on that, her arms are covered in scars from possible fights and she is quite skill with her quirk" Iida says, pushing his glasses up a small bit.

"And she is overly mannered, she's like Todoroki, but more noticeable and less people-dumb." Uraraka says.

"She might just be shy, she is new and its not the start of the year. We were all like that when we first came to the school" Midoriya backs you up. 

"I guess"

As these conversation were going around the cafeteria, you and Bakugo had your own conversation.

"We had a fucking Nomu come to the school and beat up Aizawa to shits, how the hell did you not get killed? And that other guy, he was massive you c-" Bakugo was ranting about you, but stopped when he realised he was almost praising you. "I wanna fight you, is that too hard to understand? Huh?"

"No, I understand it perfectly fine, I just don't wanna fight you now" You say, eating some rice.

"Then fight me after school, or come to my place then we can go out and fight! I just wanna fight you goddamnit!" It was humorous to you on how angry Bakugo was getting over the fact you would fight him.

"I'm not in the mood to fight Katsuki, you seem like your always in the mood, so I'll call you when I am in the mood, okay. I will fight you, but not now, I'm hungry" You continued biting down on your food.

"Ugh, fine" Katsuki scoffed and seat in the seat opposite to you to eat.

He didn't have the lunch food provided by the cafeteria, he had food that most likely came from home. He also dug into it like it was the las thing he would eat. You watched him eat it and it was gone in a few seconds, when he caught you staring you stared back at you.

"What? You got a staring problem?" Bakugo grunted.

"Is it thanksgiving or something? You finished that sandwich in 9.3 seconds" You said, Katsuki looked at you strangely as that was probably the exact time he finished his food.

"I like food, got a problem with that?" Bakugo groused.

"No, I like food too, yet I don't engulf it in seconds" You say, taking another bite of your own food.

Bakugo just scoffed and looked away. You didn't stop looking at him though. Was Katsuki considered your friend? Was he your friend? You bit the inside of your cheek before asking.

"Katsuki," You started. He looked back to you. "Are you my friend?"

What kind of question is that? Bakugo wondered. You looked back down to your food and Katsuki's face scrunched up a small bit.

"It's just...I've never had a friend before and I have no idea if you are or not..." You admitted.

 Bakugo's face instantly softened. He wondered why you never had a friend before? You had to at least had one, right?

"Katsuki...Katsuki? Hello? Katsuki!" You waved your hand in front of his face.

"Hmm? What?" He was taken back into reality.

"Did you hear what I just said? You looked like you were somewhere else" You said.

"I heard you talking all the way up to you questioning if I was you friend or not" Bakugo says, grabbing your food.

"Hey! That's mine! And you barely heard anything, yet you looked at me the entire time, great listening skill Katsuki" You steal your food back. "I asked if you wanted to be my friend..."

"Yeah, sure, whatever" Bakugo said.

Your eyes widened and were now sparkling. "Really?! Thank you!" You jumped across the table and forced him into the hug.

Katsuki was taken aback by this and just sat in his chair, while you hugged him. When you pulled away, he still saw the sparkle in your eyes, but you straightened yourself up. He's never seen this side of you. He only saw the crazy skilled girl that always had a smart comeback.

"God, your like a child.." He mutters under his breath.

"Heard that"


"What's the next class?" You asked as Bakugo moved you from behind why pushing your shoulders.

"Maths" Katsuki says plainly, you could picture the dull face on his...well face.

"Ah, shit, I suck at that" You whined as you sulked back a small bit, leaning a bit into Bakugo's hands that guided you across the halls of UA.

"Stop whining, it's a class, you can't be that bad at it" Bakugo says, still pushing you.

"Ha, you'd be surprised" You smile, knowing that you suck.

"If you that fucking bad, I'll tutor you myself" Bakugo says, you could hear the smirk.

"You? Katsuki Bakugo? Help an extra like me?" You turned your heard around so it would face him.

"Your not an extra, your my friend" Katsuki says as he grabs your head instead and guides you through the halls.

"Aww, isn't that so cute" You tease him, but couldn't help the light blush that spread across your cheeks.

"Shut up for I'll leave your sorry ass friendless" He says warning you. Deep down inside he knew that he would never leave you.

[𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦]- K

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[𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦]- K. Bakugo x Reader-

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