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"Thank you for coming to this meeting, I understand it was last minute and I am grateful you all arrived" Principle Nezu says, standing in his chair. "As you should know, we have had a recent run in with a group of villains at the USJ, adding to that, the same organization has a whole bunch of people they hold for assignations."

Nezu and the other teachers, as well as some member from the Japan Hero HQ were currently in the faulty staff room discussing a new topic that involved a young girl and her assignation career.

"Last night we found a young girl who claimed to have escaped said organization, she is currently under going treatment at a nearby hospital" Shota Aizawa, a teacher for hero course in UA high school says.

"Yes, with some investigations it was proved she wasn't lying, but her memory of where the organization has quite literally left her mind." Nezu takes a small sip from his tea, not wanting it to go to waste. "The girl has incredible abilities in the field and has a sharp mindset and can make quick decisions, she is ticking off every box for being a pro-hero and her quirk is excellent as well, I have come up with the decision to let her join UA, I would like to know your answers"

The teachers and the Japan Hero HQ look through the files of this girl, Nezu was being modest talking about her, the girl could do many incredible things. With the murmurs of the teachers and Japan Hero HQ, they all came up with a choice in the end, not all of them the same.

"This is a dangerous choice, for all we know she could be a spy and you could be putting your students in danger!"

"I for one, think it would be a good idea, this girl doesn't seem to have much of a childhood and learning to be a hero could bring her good things"

"I agree, this girl has the skills of a leader and a hero"


In the end, only two people thought it was a bad idea, with neither of them being a teacher, it was clear to Nezu what the choice was. This young girl would come to UA and be in the hero course.

"If this girl is to come to the school, I believe we should know her quirk" A uptight member from the Japan Hero HQ said, straighten his posture.

"Very well, this young girl's quirk is the ability to manipulate metal and any type of chemical form related to metal" Nezu says, taking a longer sip of his jasmine tea.

"Hmm...manipulating any chemical formula that is related to metal is quite a flashy quirk, I can see how she is a good fighter, apart from her hand to hand combat skills" Another member of the Japan Hero HQ says, tapping her finger on her chin.

"This girl, you said that she has skill in assignation, care to explain?" The same uptight member says, raising his eyebrow.

"From a very young age, this girl has been trained to disarm real life bombs, engage in hand to weapon combat with her in the worse chance of winning, analyse any type of person and situation, she masters almost all of the fighting ranges and can identify most weapons in a heartbeat. But, may I tell you, she is still just a child and a human being" Nezu says, making the last point clear.

"Human being or not, having those qualifications gives me the idea of her criminal record" Another member said. "Tell me Nezu, has this young girl ever killed before?"

"...she has a total of 16 kills-"

"16!? You got to be kidding me, your putting her with the future generations of hero! What would you do if she was angered by a student and she made some villainous decisions?"

"She was controlled by a group of cruel villains, I'm not quite sure if she had the luxury of choosing if she killed someone" Nezu states. "We found her black and blue with blood stains and cuts all over her body, from our information, there is a lot more people where she came from. Most girls her age aren't being trained as assassins, she doesn't have a life outside of those walls, I believe it would be best for her to learn what being a kid means before its too late"

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