Chapter 91

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Chapter 91

Quinn POV

The path to the summer house was certainly not well traveled. We were hacking through heavy brush every couple minutes. I swear we'll never make it there at this pace. It wasn't too hot though thankfully so we haven't needed to stop for a break yet.

I was lost in my own thoughts, mostly just trying not to mind link Liam every five seconds to see if I could still reach him. I know being a royal gives us a little more power in this area than others but I'm not sure exactly what our range will be. This will be a good time to test that.

As I was about to check in with him one more time, the sun was suddenly blocked by a large figure and a shiver ran down my spine.

"Hello, your majesty," Seth's voice hit me like a bucket of ice.

I hadn't noticed he'd dropped back from the front of our group. I tried not to physically show my distaste for him but it was proving to be quite difficult. I gave him a weak smile in return. His gaze ran up and down my body and I shivered again. This was the opposite feeling I have when it's Liam looking at me. I feel dirty under his gaze.

"I apologize for our first meeting," he continued when he realized I wasn't in the mood to talk. "I'm sure you're aware that in my position I simply can't be too careful when it comes to the prince. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my future boss, would I?"

This time he seemed to be waiting for a response from me. It wasn't much of an apology on his end but I guess I did hurt his ego a bit when I took him down so easily. I could at least throw him a bone for Liam's sake.

I gave him the friendliest smile I could muster, though I'm sure it looked more like a grimace. I'm going to have to work on that if I'm going to be queen, I thought.

Seth was still waiting for me to speak and his staring was really starting to get on my nerves.

'Stay calm,' my wolf said. 'We need to keep our wits about us around him.'

At least she and I are on the same page here. I took a deep breath, attempting to hide my distaste for the man in front of me. "No hard feelings," I chuckled.

'That felt forced...' my wolf rolled her eyes.

'Oh hush,' I chided her.

Seth didn't seem to pay any mind to my internal dialogue. "I'm glad we can get past this. You've got some power there," he said, lightly punching me on my right bicep. I recoiled slightly at the feel of him touching me.

"I think with a queen like you, you and Liam will be practically unstoppable."

We suddenly broke through a clearing and the midday sun was beating down on us. I wiped a bit of sweat from my forehead just trying to ease the tension of this interaction. Why is he so freaking creepy?

"Would you like some water?" Seth asked as he reached into his pack. "It should still be cold. I have an insulated pocket in my bag."

He pushed the bottle in my direction and I could see the condensation forming on the outside. It did look pretty refreshing. Something in the back of my mind though told me not to take it though.

"No thanks," I denied. "I've still got a lot of gas left in the tank."

I went to push ahead, showing him that I wasn't slowing down anytime soon but he put a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back.

"I insist, your majesty," he grinned. "I promised the future king that I would take special care of you and I don't go back on my promises."

He placed the bottle in my hand and watched me expectantly, waiting for me to take a sip of the cool drink. I was still a bit wary so I slipped it into the bottle holder on the side of my bag.

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