Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Quinn POV

When I first saw Liam, I wanted to tackle him and kiss him all over but I'm just so confused. My emotions are all over the place. He disrespected me and didn't trust me but the mate pull is making everything all twisted in my mind.

He was right. We do need to talk but I know I need more time to think about things. I thought I had it all together when I came back to the pack house but once I saw him, I wasn't so sure anymore. I don't want to drag this out any longer. I need to make a decision today. I'm either accepting Liam as my mate or I need to find a new pack. Today is the day.

I walked up the stairs to my room and I could tell Liam wasn't too far behind me. Once I'd entered my room, Suze was all over me.

"There you are!" she shouted. "Time to get ready!"

I'd already forgotten about the party. I wasn't in much of a mood to go out but I told myself I'd embrace my senior year. This was supposed to be a fun night.

"Okay," I agreed. "I'm just going to jump in the shower first, then I'll come back. Want to get ready in your room this time?"

"Sounds good, Quinny. I'll meet you over there in ten minutes or so!"

"Make it fifteen," I called after her.

She turned around with a questioning glance.

"Gotta shave these sasquatch legs," I joked, lifting up my leg.

"Oh my goddess, you're a beast, I swear!" With that, she was out my room and I was alone to relax for a bit.

I feel like today has been such an emotional rollercoaster. I was happy and at peace when I woke up in Liam's arms this morning. Then I was angry once I saw the marks he'd left on me. During the shopping trip with Suze I calmed down a bit. Then finding out what happened with Liam when I returned home brought up so many strong emotions that it threw me off again. And now I'm supposed to be happy and excited for this party. I just need a break.

Exactly fifteen minutes later, I knocked on Suze's door. I'd learned after last time to always knock now. You never know when Ethan is around.

"Come in!" Suze called from inside.

I entered the room and shut the door behind me. Suze was over on the other side of the room with her face practically pressed to the mirror. She was carefully plucking a few rogue eyebrow hairs.

"Let's do your hair first," she said, still looking in the mirror. "Sit down in that chair," she gestured towards the chair on her left with her foot. "I'm thinking sexy beach waves for you."

"Suze," I complained. "You know nothing stays in my hair. The curls will be out five minutes after we arrive at the party."

"Quinn my dear, all that really matters is the entrance. No one will notice your curls have fallen out. All they're going to remember is how hot you looked when you got there. It won't hurt for Liam to see you looking sexy either." The last part she mumbled under her breath but I'm sure she knew I could hear.

I sighed. Just one more thing to worry about.

Suze and I got ready simultaneously. We played loud music and scream sang along to the lyrics. She did my hair but let me put on most of my own makeup. She insisted on doing my eyeliner and touching up my eyeshadow to make it look 'sexier'. I really was starting to cheer up again.

My dress was skin tight and I was starting to worry about what Liam's reaction would be to seeing me in so little clothes on my way to a party.

"Suze," I started. "How do you think Ethan will react to you wearing that dress to a party?"

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