Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

Quinn POV

I was stunned. I know I was practically just undressing Liam but I honestly didn't have any idea what I was doing. This is all new territory for me. I just craved his skin on mine and my wolf ran with it.

If I let it go much further, I might have actually mated with Liam right then and there. I don't know if I'm ready for that just yet. The more I think about it though, it would make sense to be mated before I leave. That's a huge step though. I guess I have a decision to make.

While I was having this conversation with myself in my head, Liam was just standing there staring at me with the most emotion filled eyes I'd ever seen. There was a fire still in them from our makeout session but the main emotion I saw was love. Liam loves me and when you love someone like we love each other, you trust them. I do trust Liam and if he thinks we're ready for this, then I'm all in.

I reached forward, sliding my hands around his waist to pull him closer to me. I took a deep breath of his scent, calming myself and I felt him shudder at the contact.

"I'm ready," I said.

I expected Liam to jump on me right then and there but he reached down to tilt my head up so I was looking directly in my eyes. He searched them for a moment, I'm sure looking for any hesitation or doubt but I knew he wouldn't find any. My resolve was set. I want to be Liam's and I need him to be mine.

A gentle smile spread across Liam's face as he reached down and pulled one of my hands off him and held it in his own. He started walking backwards and I followed him. We entered the bathroom and he left me to stand in front of the mirror while he went to turn the shower on.

I stared into the mirror and could see that physically I looked like a mess. My hair was all over the place, my face was dirty and a little burnt from the sun, my clothes were a wreck but that wasn't what stuck out the most to me. I looked genuinely happy, happier than I had ever seen myself in my entire life. I didn't look scared or tired. I could see nothing but pure and utter happiness radiating off me. This is what Liam does to me and I'm finally understanding what we do for each other.

I jumped slightly as Liam slipped in behind me. I hadn't noticed the shower was on now and he was standing there just looking at the two of us in the mirror. We really looked like a great couple. We looked strong and capable but kind and approachable. Or at least I hoped that was the case. I thought those were all great qualities in rulers.

I then spent a moment admiring my mate as I assume he did the same to me while he rubbed his hands up and down my bare arms, creating goosebumps along my skin. My mate is absolutely gorgeous. His dark brown hair was a little longer and messier than when we first met but I kind of liked it. There was a light stubble across his jaw that gave him a rugged look that practically had me panting. And his eyes sparkled as they bore into me like he was trying to see my soul. I don't think a more perfect man exists on the face of this earth.

I reached up and wrapped my hands around the back of his neck. One hand weaved into his hair and gave it a light tug while the other brushed against his stubble. I couldn't stop myself from touching him.

While my arms were up, Liam reached for the hem of my shirt. He looked in my eyes for permission and I nodded slightly. As he dragged the shirt up, his fingers grazed against my sides causing the sparks to ignite in places I'd never been touched before. At least not like this. Liam was the only one who would ever touch me like this.

The feeling of his hands as they skimmed the sides of my breasts caused me to let out a soft moan. I could feel him press himself into me as he finally lifted the shirt over my head and tossed it to the side. As much as I kept trying to tell myself this was like being in front of someone in a bikini top, it was so much different.

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