Christmas special 💃🎅

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The two married couple stood in front of the unfinished made Christmas tree.

How do we put this together again?

The two stupidly thought...

Taehyung awkwardly smiled at his five year old daughter, Vicky, and said "so... Why don't we call uncle Hobi for help?"

The young girl jump in excitement, "YES YES! UNCLE HOBI MY BESTIE!"

Y/n rolled her eyes with a sigh on sadness... "I thought I was your bestie"

Taehyung heard her but decided not to ruin her dramatic scene. He carried his daughter onto his arms and brought out his phone to call his friend.

After a few seconds his friend finally picked up the call...

"Yo yooooo Super Daddy! Wassuppppppp?!"

The younger cried inside. "I need help, Hobi. Are you busy?"

Vicky, on the other hand, moved the phone near her, "Uncle Hobi bestie!"

As soon as y/n heard this, she walked to a near by wall and placed her head to it while Taehyung shook his head.

"Hey Little Bestie! And nope! What do you need help with?"

"Christmas tree"

"WE'RE HERRRREEEEEEEEE" the familiar loud voice was heard. As soon as he said that the door bursts open and revealed the whole gang.

"Hobi I thought you're the only one coming?! Why are there some strange looking humans with you?!" Taehyung hid his Daughter behind him in a defensive manner. He doesn't trust those devils with his daughter no more...

"WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HOUSE?!" Y/n faints as soon as she and her husband came back from their anniversary just to see the whole house in a mess. It looked like some animals where in their house and threw a whole animal party.

Yoongi was sleeping like there was nothing happening.

Jungkook drying Jimin's hair rainbow.

Jimin laughing while he cuts Vicky's poorly chopped hair.

Vicky playing with cheap playable makeup set.

Hobi watching peppa pig for no apparent reason.

Jin scolding them like a gun shooting nonstop while stuffing his face with a strawberry cake. (No one was listening to him)

Namjoon in the verge of tears because he couldn't get the people in the house to listen to him. (Actually it's because he broke the microwave when trying to make popcorn but let's just play along with his excuse)

And Angela watching them like a proud mother she is.

"Don't worry Super Daddy! We mean no harm!" The youngest raised both his hands on the air while doing some pose with his legs.

"We actually came to devour your food" Jin exposed them.

"So about the tree..." Angela started while carrying her son, Yoomin.

"Oh yeah!" Y/n smiled while awkwardly showed the weirdest Christmas tree they attempted to do. "The instructions... Taehoe threw it—"


The gang looked at the tree with horror.

Did these couple even try?!

They all sighed simultaneously.

"Well then" Jin rolled the sleeves of his pink sweater up, "let's get to work! We also need to decorate up other parts of the house since... I think you also need help with that"

Y/n nodded in agreement. "Yes, yes! Oh that would be a great idea. Thank you for your help!"

And no. Yoongi did NOT help.


"FINALLY! WE FINISHED!" Taehyung stretched his arms up.

When all finally relaxed on the sofa, Angela's phone rang. She tried her best to ignore it but soon took the call as she excused herself.

"So tomorrow's Christmas, huh honey motherfuckung bee..."

Y/m smiled while wrapping her arms around his waist. "Yes... I'm excited"

"I'm not" he stated when another memory came in...

"WOOOOOHHHH" drunk Hobi 'throw it back'.

Yoongi was rapping in karaoke but no one could understand it because he was drunk rapping. Meaning he was rapping in nonsense language and the only words you can understand was ✨colorful words✨.

Jimin was putting on... Makeup..? With Vicky's makeup toy set and Jungkook tying Jimin's pink hair...

Namjoon was long gone when he drank his 2nd cup. He's already knocked out.

Jin... Jin was nowhere to be seen. Probably in the kitchen.

Angela was, yet again, standing by the door frame like a proud mother while her man was... Throwing up in the bathroom. Did she bother to help? No. Because she was too drunk to know what she was doing.

The kids were sleeping in Vicky's room, away from the chaotic scenes.

And... As for the couple... Well... Let's just say they had a little fun— I mean playing "top and bottom". Yeah.


"Oh come on" y/n kissed her husband's lips. "It can't be that bad."

Oh she was wrong.

"Hey guys" Angela came back, dragging all the people attention to hers. "Yoomin and I will be going first."

"Already?!" Y/n frowned. "But we didn't have our girl talk yet..."

"Oh please. We can do that in call, idiot. Also boys" she looked straight into the eyes of the other guys aside from Taehyung. "I think they need some 'alone time' don't cha think?"

This sneaky whore...

Y/n rose a brow at her friend.

The boys got the message and faked a yawn, aside from Yoongi. "OOOOHHHHHH YEAH YEAH, YEP!" They all were agreeing while slowly but surely walked away up to the door.

"BYE LOVE BIRDS!" And with Yoongi's unexpected shout was left Y/n and Taehyung in the sofa, Vicky fast asleep in her room.

Taehyung stared at the door blankly before finally giving his woman a cuddle. "How bout we watch that squid game on Netflix?"

Y/n already watched that but she didn't mind watching it again, especially with her husband. "Sure! I've been dying to watch that!"

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is...

Now up to your imagination.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year, form me, herself, her royalty, her grace, her beauty, Angela.

𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔【✔】Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ