Chapter 45: Dutch Babies

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Saturday afternoon, Ava's head is still smarting from dodgeball. Nurse Wheaton instructed Johnny to take her by the ER for a cat scan. She was worried about her having a concussion, especially since Ava couldn't stand correctly. Her balance had been way off. So Johnny did as suggested, he took his wife to the ER.

After being admitted, the treating doctor performed a series of tests (including the CT scan). The tests came back negative for a concussion, but positive for a migraine. The doctor told the two of them "A concussion and migraine can occur from the same trauma, and also in the same setting." He instructed Johnny to take his wife home. "Let her rest. I'm giving you a prescription for migraine medicine. Have her take it per the directions on the information packet. If she's not feeling better Monday, then bring her back and we'll rescan her head."

Johnny did as the doctor instructed. He picked up Ava's prescription from the pharmacy, once it was ready. He even cleaned up the house and did all the things she normally would, but can't. And then when he grew tired and wanted a nap, he napped beside her in the bed. 

By nightfall, she began feeling better. So much so that she wanted to get out of bed and go fix something to eat. Johnny wouldn't let her. He insisted she continues to rest, so he did it for her. Him fixing dinner meant phoning for pizza delivery, supreme for his wife, and pepperoni for him. They had a lazy dinner in bed.

He even sucked it up to watch All The Right Moves with Tom Cruise. Barf. Why his wife likes that guy he'll never know. He's such a one-hit-wonder, starring in the same types of movies over and over again. Like he's some romantic hero. If she wants a romantic hero, then all she has to do is tear her eyes away from the TV and look directly into his. But it really made no difference to him because he fell asleep during the movie anyway. That's what he thinks of that guy, boring.

The next morning he rolled over hoping to find his wife still asleep. He has big, big plans for their morning. They include a whole lot of loving courtesy of her very own romantic hero husband. However, when he went to make his move he came up empty, like her side of the bed. Raising his head, he called her name "Ava". No answer. With a groan, he laid his head back down. 

As much as he wanted to stay in bed, the delicious smell wafting in from the kitchen wouldn't let him. Up he rose, hair sticking out in all directions, dressed in nothing but his blue plaid boxers. In the kitchen he found Ava standing at the island, whisking something around in a bowl. Coming close to her, he spoke "Babe what's that yummy smell?"

Continuing to whisk ingredients, she wished him "Good morning" and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I made a sausage breakfast casserole. It's in the oven and should be almost ready to take out. Will you check it for me? If the crust is browned then it's ready." 

Good morning indeed. Opening the oven he saw the crust is golden, flaky brown all around. Taking it out, he snuck a bite. He couldn't help the moan that escaped his mouth. Not the least bit shocked, Ava asked "You snuck some didn't you?" Turning around, still whisking ingredients together, she held the bowl and inspected the casserole. "You don't have to be sneaky Sir. Take the pizza slicer and cut it for us. Then get the plates down too."

Curious as to what she's doing, he motioned to the bowl with his finger. "What's in that? What else are you making?" He moved to get the plates from an overhead cabinet and placed those on the island too.

"I'm making Dutch babies," she replied. The batter is almost ready.

Did he hear her correctly? In an instant, he loudly protested. "No! You are not having Dutch's babies. Never. Ever. You're my wife."

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