Chapter 16: Loyalty

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Monday's are the "Mondayest" day of the week. Johnny and the guys were found standing around their bikes talking. At first, they discussed the movie Saturday night. 

"I for one am thankful she brought Dawn," Bobby stated with relief. 

The guys were at the movie theater waiting for Ava to show up. Bobby had been sweating bullets worrying she'd bring Rachel. Sure she's pretty to look at, but there's not much there. Plus the fact he thinks she's up to something really throws him off. 

He spotted Ava walking toward them and saw Dawn with her. Now that is a shock in itself because he (like everyone else) thought they were rivals. However, he could have cared less. It wasn't Rachel, that's good enough for him. He was able to breathe easier. Smiling, she caught his eye and motioned not to mention anything to Johnny. When she walked up, she hugged him from behind. It was sweet. He's glad Johnny has his girl back, his original, true girl. 

Jimmy agreed with Bobby. "Me too. Who knew Dawn was cool? This whole time I thought she was a stuck-up witch. Turns out she's funny and nice." She's actually cute too, but he didn't say that last part out loud.

Scratching his back, Tommy spoke up. "I thought she was Ava's enemy. Who knew they're secret friends."

Dutch being Dutch said "I am my own rival. Every day I wake up and think about, how can I best my hair from yesterday. Or how many chicks can I ask out in a week? And no matter what I always win." He then went on to add, "But if she is friends with Dawn, what else is Ava hiding? Hmmm... And why didn't she tell me? I'm great with secrets because there's a good chance I wasn't even listening."

They started talking about homecoming week when Ava walked up. Johnny pulled her into a hug. "Morning." He kissed her cheek. She greeted him "good morning" too, and kissed his cheek as well.

Handing him breakfast, she asked, "What are you guys talking about?" She dug through her school bag and took out a piece of paper. She gave it to Jimmy, who gave her a look. When he opened it, his face lit up.

"We're talking about you not telling me about your secret friendship," Dutch told her.

Smiling and laughing, Ava responded. "And why would I tell you? She and I have been friends for years now. But I haven't always been friends with you guys, after our awkward ending." She pointed to herself and Johnny. 

He gave her a look that said are you kidding me. "Because I'm amazing and a man of my word. I speak therefore I have words like I can clap with one hand." He turned to Tommy, "Did you know I could do that?" Tommy was about to say something but Dutch cut him off. "Yet again that's why I'm amazing. You should all be proud to know me."

Not amused in the slightest, Jimmy stated matter of factly "When I close my eyes, sometimes I can't see. Therefore I'm amazing too."

A bored expression played on Dutch's face. "Hilarious. No. You're an idiot. There's a difference," he commented with deadpan humor. 

Intervening, Bobby inquired to everyone, "So do we know the themes for Spirit Week yet?"

Instantly brightening, Ava perked up. "Yep. Dawn has a friend on the student council. Monday is Neon Day. Tuesday is Movie Day. Wednesday's theme is Tacky Day. Thursday Letter Day and of course Friday is School Spirit."

Dutch scratched his chin. "Interesting. The Godfather will be playing Tuesday. Right here all day long."  Turning to Tommy he said, "Be careful or you'll wind up with a horse head in your locker." Tommy shoved him.

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