Chapter 44: The Badass Ace Degenerate

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Johnny woke up early Monday morning. This is weird because he never wakes up early for anything, much less school. He's even awake before Ava, which is also strange cause she's always up before him. Not thinking anything of it, he got into the shower and began his morning routine. While in there he sang a song, a stupid song, that he just made up. It's sung to the tune of The 12 Days of Christmas. "On the first day of school since the drugging happened to me..."

When he finished and walked into the main bedroom, he noticed his wife still in bed. They have class together. She needs to be up. Turning on the lights, he called out "Ava. It's time to get up." She threw the covers over her head and grunted. Coming to sit on the edge of the bed, he gently pushed her shoulder. "Babe if you don't get up, then we'll be late."

Speaking from underneath the covers, she told him to "Go away." He yanked the covers back and realized, from her expression, she was not happy. Far from it. "Johnny, stop. I don't feel good. I'm not going to school today." The covers were jerked back up over her head. 

Not believing this, he pulled at the covers again. "You don't look sick. Besides I need you with me. I can't do English lit without you. Your crazy cousin is in our class." He took her hand and began tugging' her up. 

She smacked his hand away. "Johnny, I feel like crap. My throat is scratchy, my eyes hurt, my nose is stuffed, and I think I have a fever. Feel my forehead." Grabbing his hand, she placed it right there on the middle of her head. 

It feels warm, but "You're still coming to school right?" He needs her there. "Look, how about this? I'll make you a Nyquil on the rocks."

Cutting her eyes at him, she exclaimed "Great balls of fire! Johnny, I'm sick. I have a fever. I'm going nowhere. You have the guys. You'll be fine. And if she tries something then go straight to the principal or come home." She rolled over. 

That's not a good enough answer. "No, no, no. Babe, I need you! Please go to school," he begged.

Men! Knowing he's going to pester her forever and a day, Ava flung the covers back in dramatic fashion. She got up and stomped into the bathroom. Not even caring, she threw her hair up and brushed her teeth, etc., etc. Because etc. is how she feels. Then stomping into the closet, she threw on whatever clothes were closest to her. 

When she came out, Johnny pointed and laughed. She gave him the evil wife eye. Faster than you can say scrambled eggs and bologna, he stopped laughing. Looking down a discovery was made. She's wearing neon yellow pants and one of his plaid shirts. Crap. She took the shirt off, threw it at him, and went to try again. 

Returning into the bedroom, she's dressed in her normal skinny jeans with a red sweater. Picking up the perfume bottle, a fierce statement was made. "I feel really sick and you're making me go. Just know I'm doing this for you and because you'll pester me otherwise." Grabbing her bag, she huffed out of the room in a haze of perfume and coughs. 

In the kitchen, grumpy and ill, Ava took an orange cranberry muffin and a glass of orange juice for breakfast. She loaded herself up with vitamin C, zinc, and elderberry. Then to top it off she took some ibuprofen and totally ignored her husband. She feels miserable and is upset with him for pestering her. Why is it when men are sick they get to act as if the world has come to an end?

But if a woman gets ill, then she must continue on as normal. No! She must go to school, go to work, clean up the house, pay the bills, take care of the children, do all the things while coughing up a lung, running a fever, snot pouring out of her nose, and hair looking all a mess. If a zombie apocalypse ever happened women are prepared. It's OK because the next time Johnny is sick with a cold, she'll remind him of how he dragged her to school with a fever.

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