Chapter 15: My Person

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Saturday finally arrived. Johnny was able to sleep in, at least for a little while. Karate practice starts at ten. He lay in bed thinking about the afternoon. The guys want to hang out and go see a movie. Ava's coming with them and she's bringing a friend. Although he has no idea which one. Bobby said, "If she brings Rachel, then I'm out." 

The other guys agreed. Over the years they've learned to trust Bobby's opinion of people. When he asked his girlfriend who she's bringing, all she said was "a friend." He doesn't think it's Rachel. In fact, he's pretty sure, but you never know with chicks. 

As far as chicks go, he has the best one. After the Halloween dance disaster, she took him to her hideaway. It's there where she soothed his savage soul and calmed him down. He remembers everything perfectly because it was unexpected. But then she's been unexpected. Their whole relationship so far has been unexpected. The best things are found when you're not looking for them. Things he thought were falling apart, were actually falling into place. Unexpected is the best kind of adventure.

-Wednesday After The Dance-

As soon as the car stopped, Ava looked over at her boyfriend. He's knocked out, asleep. Shaking him awake, he shot up in the defense position. "Whoa! I'm not going to hurt you. I come in peace," she stated with a joking voice. Once he lowered his fists, she explained "We're here now. I don't know about you, but I'm going inside. Do you need help or are you good on your own?" He undid the seatbelt and pulled on the door handle. Taking that as his way of saying he's fine, she exited and started to the front door.

When she put the key in and opened it, letting them inside, Johnny asked "Where are we?" He could hear the ocean in the background, but it doesn't look like a beach house. It's too big to be one of those.

She turned on the lights before answering. "We're at my grandparent's house in Malibu. My dad's family, not my mom's." Chilly air greeted them. Walking into the living room, she also turned up the thermostat. It's way too frigid in here.

Taking in his surroundings, he saw the living room led into the kitchen. On the bookshelves, along the back wall, are tons of pictures in frames. "The ones whose house we stayed at that one day?"

With a huge blanket in her hands, she responded. "Yes. The same ones. They hardly ever use this house. It's mainly for when the out-of-town family arrives. A few years ago they gave me a key and told me to use it anytime I need a break. I come here off and on. So tonight I thought this is the perfect place to be. It's quiet and serene, peaceful in ways I can't explain." He agrees with her. The house is calming.

Stepping out of the tulle skirt, she threw it onto a nearby chair and sat on the sofa. The blanket covered her, chilled legs. She patted the seat beside her. He sat, sullen and quiet sharing her blanket. Not at all like himself. It worries her. He's either continuing to stew his anger inside or he's thinking negative thoughts. Both are dangerous.

It needs to be asked. "Hey. You want to talk now or wait for the morning?"

Turning to look at her, he muttered "Wait." He's not feeling like talking at the moment. There's a lot to say, but his head hurts, his eye hurts, his body aches, and he doesn't care to add heartache to his list of disappointments tonight. Usually talking leads to arguing, and that leads to yelling. And the last time that happened he got dumped. If Ava dumps him over what happened tonight, then he's ruined. 

Not knowing what's going on inside Johnny's head, she got up and went into the kitchen. Grabbing four ibuprofen, a glass of water, and ice placed in a zip-top bag, she returned. "Here. For your head and other aches. The ice is for your eye." She handed all the things to him. Then went into a spare bedroom and changed. She keeps clothes here, just in case.

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